林慶洲 Brian Lin
2006年初次聽到澳洲國寶級大師 Mark Atkins 演奏 Didgeridoo 便深受那迷人與野性兼具的低頻聲音感染。後來於澳洲學習演奏並製作了第一支自己的 Didgeridoo ,受澳洲原住民音樂與文化影響。返國後不安於現狀再赴日本、澳洲與多位 Didgeridoo 大師學習進修,曾舉辦多次 Didgeridoo 聚會分享並推廣,持續在旅行之中探索,盼在不同的音樂領域找到更寬闊的世界。
臉書: https://www.facebook.com/groups/didgeridootw/
In 2006 Brian became mesmerized After first hearing the low frequency sound of the didgeridoo during the performance of Australian Aboriginal musician Mark Atkins. Heading to Australia to learn the instrument, he created his own didgeridoo and was also greatly influenced by the local indigenous music and culture. When Brian returned to Asia he headed out to Japan and often hosts events to share the beautiful sounds of the didgeridoo and hopes to discover the world through diversity of music and instruments.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/didgeridootw/