陳禹璇 April Chen
LaL’Atelier 創意總監
台北實踐大學服裝設計系,畢業後進入品牌SHIATZY CHEN擔任女裝/女鞋設計師,一共六年半的時尚相關經驗,目前以接案方式進行訂製禮服設計。
Creative Director of LaL’Atelier
Discovered a whole new world by evolving into plant-based diet.
Graduate from the Department of Fashion Design at Shih Chien University
Working in the fashion industry for a decade, April came to realize the wastefulness and huge damage that the industry wrecks on the environment. She is now redesigns and breathes life into existing pieces, giving them a second round of wear and love which in turn cherishes the limited resources on our planet. Through this she hopes to raise awareness that compassionate choices can be made in fashion and in our lives.