Love sharing: yoga, music, food, books, movies with friends and family.

My first yoga class was in 2006, on a Saturday morning after a super busy work week.
It was just little bits of body movement, but I was surprised by these different movements and possibilities taking place in my own body. It was like meeting a new friend – and this new friend is me!

I enjoy hearing my own breath in the movement during each posture when I practice yoga. With each new inhale, courage and stability are breathed into my life. In 2012 I completed yoga teacher training and started my journey to share those beautiful things to my friends and families . Welcome everyone to join us!
我喜愛分享瑜伽、音樂、食物、好書、電影給我身邊的每一個⼈。 2006年,在一個忙碌⼀周後的星期六早晨,我踏⼊了我的第⼀堂瑜伽課。僅有簡單的⾝體舒展與動作,卻讓我驚訝於⾃己⾝體的各種可能性,就像遇⾒了新朋 友,⽽這個新朋友,是我⾃己!!我享受瑜伽練習時,在每⼀個動作的移動之間聽⾒見⾃己呼吸的聲音,⽽瑜伽練習,更總是為我的生命帶來更多的勇氣與穩定的力量。

2012年師資訓練之後,我開始了我的旅程,開始分享這些美好的事情給我的朋友與家⼈們。 也歡迎你的加⼊。

Chaoyu will be joining our Build a Home Project, read more here

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