What is the Kitchen Table? 甚麼是 “美味餐桌”?
The Kitchen Table is a cornerstone of our Neighborhood. We recognize that the simple act of preparing and sharing food together encourages a sense of community. We welcome the voices of guest consultants that feel the same way and generously share their knowledge with us. Read about them now.
- Teacher Paula creating vegan cupcakes (2012 James Teng)
- Body in Motion Workshop with Teacher KangNing
- Paula serving fresh plant based meals (2012 Jonathan Burke)
We began with vegetarian meals and have generally shied away from animal products with our first vegan lunch taking place in December 2012. In 2015 we officially took the plunge to prepare only plant-based meals and have come out so much more creative in the process, bundling meals with culture courses. So far we have already conducted workshops with kids and Big Friends in making their own plant-based pizzas and a full Japanese meal set!
Through “It’s a Vegan Affair” Bright Side Projects also support local plant-based restaurants and the rising community.
Why vegan food? 為什麼是純素食?
There are multiple reasons for this, the first being a deep love for the environment and the earth. We all also generally get heaps of meat in our diets and sharing a meal that forces us creatively prepare nutritious yet delicious meals will make a world of a difference. A change in the world starts with ourselves and what we put into our bodies.
2012 -2018 素食餐 # of plant-based meals
We also hope to have a garden soon that puts creation in our hands and food on our table. If it nourishes us we want to know where it comes from. In our workshop we strive to cook a healthy plant-based meal for all. And when we host an overnight workshop, each person is encouraged to bring a potluck dish to share with others.
Are you an individual who has a passion for food? 你是對食物有熱情的人嗎?
如果你對烹飪有興趣,歡迎加入我們,一起來為孩子們和志工準備創意純素食餐。歡迎提供食譜或捐贈我們下次課程的新鮮食材。If you are an individual who loves to cook, you are welcome to join our workshop and whip a creative vegan meal up for the hungry children and volunteers. Welcome to either propose a menu or donate fresh food stuffs for our next workshop.
歡迎餐飲業者或耕種產業提供嚮光協會餐飲食材或相關協助。目前嚮光協會有新鮮烘培坊為課程提供美味素食料理,讓我們能夠提供剛出爐的麵包給需要的家庭、有薑餅讓孩子們發揮創意、還有南瓜湯、巧克力杯子蛋糕和各式糕點,讓課程中增添了難忘又溫暖的時光。We are also ecstatic when some of the most amazing restaurants and spots in Taiwan receive monetary donations that are designated for Bright Side. Fresh Bakery and Cafe is a spot that’s open to donations, with mouthwatering vegan food that goes to supporting our mission. We’ve been able to provide fresh baked rolls of bread to families in need, gingerbread cookies for kids to decorate, pumpkin soup, chocolate cupcakes, cakes that make for a memorable and warm workshop.
Are you a company who has a passion for food? 你們是對飲食有熱情的企業嗎?
If you are a food and beverages company or deal with fresh fruits and veggies, we welcome you to join us. Much like SALADAY who provides a team of volunteers to come to cook delicious meals for the kids during our workshops, we can discuss this for the future. We are also open to creative courses on food and fun at your establishment, much like our past Crepes with Duchess Bakery. Or I can meet with you and custom create an unique event, a stellar example being the recent “A Very Spooky Saladay Halloween” dinner and vegan caramel apple creation at SALADAY‘s Nanjing Concept Store.
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