




———大朋友 Grace Hsu



———大廚 Luke Tsai

老師 Teacher:Sara Chien https://brightside.tw/helping-hands-sara-chien/
攝影師 Photographer:Daisy Lin
大朋友 Big Friends:Grace Hsu, 邱冠郡, 張鶴耀, Daisy Lin, Rhea Chou, Rufen Cheng
廚師 Chef:Luke Tsai

贊助者 Sponsors: Rita Yeh 葉映汝, 鍾采蓁 Phoebe Chung, Josephine Cheng, Plants, SALADAY, Kelly Lin, 葛馬可 Marco Julian Grishaber特別感謝 Special Thanks: 苗栗幼安教養院, Snow Tsao, 陳小姐, 徐千惠, Queenie Lee

更多照片 More Pictures: https://goo.gl/b3vJo7

您也可以贊助孩子,贊助我們!SUPPORT US! https://brightside.tw/donate/

Ever since first coming over in January this year thanks to Jia-Xin’s Toys For Taiwan, we have been forward to seeing the kids again at this shelter based in MiaoLi, providing resources for special needs youth and adults. We utilized expired flour letting the children and Big Friends create clay from scratch to create and mold into volcanoes. Upcycled cardboard boxes served as the backdrop for kids to paint on. It was heartwarming to see the interaction between the kids and some of our Big Friends on their first trip here (Grace Hsu) and also Luke Tsai’s first time volunteering with us! Luke also kindly prepped a veganized version of his famous curry rice for lunch.We hope that many more people can join us in MiaoLi for our future classes here as well!