這個夏天我們召集了十位來自四面八方各有專長的藝術創作者,一同為孩子們新家中的十個房間做改造。與此同時,仍有多名藝術家表達參與意願,因此我們不斷在積極尋求更多資源,讓他們也能一同參與,美化育幼院新家中的其他各個公用空間及角落,讓它真正成為一個美麗的家! 你/妳也可以出錢出力出材料,協助我們的大改造。
From a diversity of backgrounds, we have secured the amazing talent of 10 artists for the 10 rooms on the second and third level where kids will be living. We also have select few artists who are waiting to beautify other spaces so we can ensure that this house becomes a home! Become a benefactor of our beautification process! Sponsor an artist!
2nd Floor |
3rd Floor |
張恆銘 6FTP |
Candy Bird – 更新 UPDATE |
Common Space |
Rita Yeh |
十位背景截然不同, 來自各地的藝術家們都將各自的工作放下,來到育幼院結交新朋友同時為孩子創造快樂美好的新環境。目前我們已經舉辦共三場工作坊,讓藝術家和孩子們在互動過程中一同激盪對美好空間的想像。歡迎你也與我們一同踏上這趟奇幻旅程。
Artists come from a diversity of backgrounds and interests, putting their time aside to make new friends and create new spaces. We’ve already had three workshops between artists and the kids and we welcome you to join us on this journey!
We have achieved approximately 1/4 of our $6,400 USD ($190,000) goal so at this time we would love to have your support to get onboard by August 16th. You can read more about the project here. Keep track of of this project here or via the #buildahome2014 on Facebook ( https://fb.me/BrightSide.tw ). Contact brightside.tw@gmail.com with any questions or concern.
We will continue to update you of our progress so stay tuned!
您可以在我們的網站中獲得更多關於這項計劃的資訊,或透過Facebook上的Hashtag標籤「#buildahome2014」https://goo.gl/t7jvkb 及粉絲頁面 (https://fb.me/BrightSide.tw)持續關注這項計劃的進展。如果有任何問題或建議,也歡迎隨時寫信至 brightside.tw@gmail.com