我們前一晚到達臺東,為隔天的工作坊做準備,提前製作咖哩和紅豆餡,並準備一些水果,隔天早上就可以直接分配任務給孩子們。距離上一次拜訪台東,已經是整整一年了,很開心看到熟悉的面孔,大部分的孩子是在 2015 年就認識了,他們特別千里迢迢來看我們 。

感謝 Green Monday – Omnipork 提供食材,也謝謝 Ooh Cha Cha 幫我們提前製作如此美味的純植豬排!讓我們可以享用到日式經典料理 – 咖哩豬排飯,大家都吃得津津有味。期待下次再來台東陪孩子玩!

The combination of strawberries and mochi are too hard to resist! We are so happy to be able to bring this delightful workshop to our kids in Taitung and thank the Taitung Government and sponsors for making this possible.
We arrived the night before to start prepping for the next days workshop, making curry and to introduce the basics of getting the red bean paste onto the fruits for the next day and to start preparing some of the fruit. Early next morning we we were able to see more of our kids and assign tasks to them.
It has been a full year since we have been able to return to Taitung and we were very happy that familiar faces – most of them we’ve seen since 2015 – made this trek out to see us.

Even though we had some difficulty due to the rice cooker not steaming the mochi fully we had a lot of fun in the mess that ensued! Kids were great with cutting the fruit and wrapping the red bean paste inside. With three colors to select (strawberry pink, matcha green, and white) we successfully made the fresh fruit daifuku.

We also want to thank Green Monday / Omnipork for providing the raw materials for the amazing pork cutlet, that was was specially prepped by Ooh Cha Cha in advance. We were able to pair this Japanese-esque course with an appropriate and delicious vegan pork curry cutlet rice!
We look forward to seeing our kids in Taitung again very soon!
老師: Iris Peng 彭詩婷 | 羅柳依晗
大朋友志工:Iris Peng 彭詩婷 | 羅柳依晗 | Eddie Wang 王崧博
攝影師:Daisy Lin