感謝今年支持嚮光的朋友們,因為有你,我們才能為台東新馬蘭的8個家庭在年前提供價值約8,000元的蔬食必需品。為了支持台灣本地企業,我們也盡可能選擇品質好、有機、在地的產品。其中包括有機手工麵條、天然食用油及植物奶、植物拌醬等,也謝謝Uniqlo提供的外套及發熱衣、雙雙選襪shine shine贊助的保暖襪子、台北國際婦女協會贊助的球鞋、社團法人中華民國生態農耕自然飲食推廣協會捐贈給每個家庭的20公斤有機本地種植白米。
Our trip down to Taitung was delayed several times since the end of the year but we were fortunate to have it rescheduled to the beginning of this year with the sun smiling down on us.
We were even more blessed that the kids this year turned up to help sort and also deliver the gifts back to their own community. As with our year round workshops, it has never been about a one sided relationship but a mutual friendship and we look forward to our fifth year in Taitung for 2020! Each family received around 8,000 NT worth of quality products, organic and local whenever possible, to support businesses in Taiwan.
特別感謝 A Big Thank You:Santa Jia-Xin|新馬蘭活動中心郭老師|慧雯|KeepingArt 不斷藝術
贊助者 Sponsors: Suiis素易|Uniqlo Taiwan|雙雙選襪 shine shine|社團法人中華民國生態農耕自然飲食推廣協會|台北國際婦女協會