While we spend most of our time with kids and big friend volunteers who join our educational outreach, we know it’s also important to let people know what we are up to and doing.
We were happy to present our Spring training session to those unfamiliar with Bright Side Projects going over actionable steps that we take in our curriculum to enhance social interaction, provide points of empowerment that everyone can readily take in their own lives, and how to address sexual harassment and body rights face on. We want to promote creativity to break away from the way that we currently think and do things.
我們很幸運可以請到施逸翔 (台灣人權促進會 副秘書長 )來為我們講解一些關於人權的基本知識,讓我們對聯合國兒童權利公約的內容有了大概的了解。我們常常忘記了,其實在決定事情的過程中,孩子們也應該有參與的權力,如此一來,我們和孩子們都可以藉著這個機會磨練自己分析決策的能力。
攝影師 Photography Credit: 蔡秉勳, Rhea Chou
場地贊助 Venue Sponsor:iArts Decor
投影機 Projector: 小小蔬房
We were fortunate to have Shih Yi Hsiang (Deputy Director for Taiwan Association for Human Rights) go over basics in human rights and allow us to have a grasp on the understanding on the Convention on the Rights of Children. People often forget that children should also have a say in the decision making process and each moment we are with them is an opportunity to hone their decision making process skills, as well as ours!
Mimi Chiang has several years of experience working with people with different disabilities. Bright Side was honored to have her share her experience and insight with us, hopefully having hit home the message that we are all human and are the same.
Understanding, tolerance, acceptance – this is something in common that we all strive to achieve in this society. Bright Side Projects believes that everyone should have basic human rights, but no one should be bought or oppressed for another to gain said rights. We believe in differentiating between wants and needs for the sake of this earth, the environment and so our “human” rights do not overstep boundaries or take away from survival in the long term.
We want to hear different voices on the best way to do things, for the children and for the future. Change is inevitable and Bright Side Projects is positive about the outcome.
攝影師 Photography Credit: 蔡秉勳, Rhea Chou
場地贊助 Venue Sponsor:iArts Decor