嚮光 DNA: https://brightside.tw/dna
Looking for volunteer teachers in creativity and STEM fields — science, technology, engineering and mathematics to create fun exciting workshops for kids in Taiwan. Mainly kids in children’s homes and indigenous communities in ChingChua, Taitung, and Orchid Island. Contact us!
Read more: https://wp.me/P6AHdc-A4
Our DNA: https://brightside.tw/dna
1) Name / Contact Details 姓名/聯絡方式
2) Where do you live? 目前的居住地
3) What is your primary language? What degree of Chinese fluency? 母語為何?中英文程度為何?
4) What type of class will you teach? 您想開設何種課程?
5) Materials/Equipment/Facilities do you need? 需要的材料/工具/設備?
6) Estimate duration of class? 預估每堂課時數為何?
7) Is there age-appropriate level for the course? 課程是否適合特定年齡對象?
8) Classes will be on weekends, most likely Saturdays. When will you be available (Jan, Feb, etc)? 課程多在週末舉行,基本上是禮拜六上課。請問您什麼時候可以開始上課?
9) What do you hope the children will learn from this course? 希望上完你的課程小朋友會得到或學到甚麼呢?