11/15週日, 嚮光協會將在台東新馬蘭部落與會所孩子共度午後時光。(English Below)
James 與 Ichi老師將帶領孩子了解衣服的來源,認識布料和衣服,想想為什麼會有這麼多二手衣。然後一起動手用不縫針線的創意方法,將回收的衣物轉變成充滿想像力的布偶。 現場一樣會為孩子準備新鮮美味的蔬食餐點和杯子但糕小點心。
11月課程費用 (不含交通): 100, 200, 300 (感謝捷式股份有限公司 及 Santa Jia-Xin 一部分)
老師 Lead Teacher:James Teng, Ichi Lin
日期Date : 11/15/2015 (Sunday) (日)
時間Time: 上午11:00 – 下午16:00
地點 Location: 台東新馬蘭Fukid部落 Taitung ShinMaLan Tribe
贊助者Benefactor: 捷式股份有限公司 * Santa Jia-Xin
In our annual celebrations thanks to the generosity of Santa Jia-Xin, we will be hosting a workshop in Taitung with the ShinMaLan Tribe this year before we head to Orchid Island. Teacher James and Teacher Ichi will up-cycle donated clothing into rag dolls and sewless creations with kids. We will also make vegan mug cakes and share a delicious plant-based meal together. Join us if you are in Taitung!
Tasks for Big Friends include: Meeting new friends and empowering kids to make their own sewless toys, sorting fabric, making vegan mug cakes, setting up and taking down.
Material Fees for November (not including transportation); sliding scale of 100, 200, 300; partially covered by Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公司 and Santa Jia-Xin ! Not including transportation.
報名方式 Registration Process (Maximum 10):
1. 必須填表格 Read and register here: https://goo.gl/okvJ7V
2.發EMAIL到brightside.tw (at) gmail.com Email brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and if there is a spot for you within 72 hours. 嚮光受到報名訊息72小時內通知你確認課程位子。
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1698776753742068/