我們要帶桃園縣睦祥育幼院小朋友一起用廢紙做的做火山,然後跟著老師調出使火山爆發的原料,探索火山的秘密!過程中小朋友可以自行發揮想像力說故事,如果有志工原意協助再把故事將被記錄下來做成小短片。Potential in the world is limitless and kids can grow up to do great things! This course will give kids a better understanding the earth we live on and how science, chemistry, and volcanoes are a part it. During this fun class at MuHsiang Orphanage in Taoyuan we will hand-build and color volcanoes, PLUS concoct formulas for the volcanic explosion!

Video: https://vimeo.com/74687835

Date/Time 日期 /時間:

July 6th (Sunday) 11:00 am – 4:30 pm
7月6日(日) 11:00-16:30

Location 地點: Taoyuan Muhsiang Orphanage 桃園縣睦祥育幼院

Purpose: to trigger an interest in science through artistic creations of mini volcanoes while understanding the fundamental principles of chemistry at work.

Kids will Learn:
Science, chemistry, teamwork, creativity, science, story-telling, photography

Maximum Capacity: Space is limited to 8 volunteers on a first come first serve basis.

Material Fees: $300,400,500 sliding scale for volunteers. What is a sliding scale? We understand that everyone’s circumstance is different and want to make the workshop accessible to everyone. Pitch in what you can! Not inclusive of transportation.

7月費用 (不含交通): 志工可任選300, 400, 或500元投入本次活動基金。費用分級的用意在於我們希望讓這活動本身能讓更多志工參與,因此讓報名金額更有彈性。現在就告訴我們你的選擇吧!

How to sign up? 報名方式
1. Read and register here: 發email後必須填 https://goo.gl/eAaQvJ
2. Email brightside.tw (at) gmail.com 發EMAIL到brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
3. Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and rideshare will be announced 5 days prior. 嚮光會跟你聯絡確認報名治療,共乘汽車方式課程7天前會再次做確認。

Volunteer tasks: Assist the teacher in guiding kids to build volcanoes and work with experiments. Bright Side strongly believes in providing kids with nutritious lunch so we are all responsible for preparing, cooking, and sharing food together.
**Volunteers should bring small toys and figurines of creatures they believe existed in volcanic time periods (dinosaurs, people, cars) that can used as props. Painting is involved and can get a little messy so volunteers should wear clothes that are mess-friendly.

Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/566707490112439/