Update 12/28 – Oh no! We have had to postpone our trip to ChingChuan so the workshop is now on 1/4/2013. But yay – that means perhaps more of you will be able to make it after the holiday blitz. Sign up now! https://goo.gl/TCO6rd


過程中也要一邊享受香噴噴的薑餅餅乾,焦糖蘋果和喝著熱巧克力喔!Santa Jia-Xin’s coming to Taiwan again! We have successfully met our goal for this year and the heartfelt love of Jia-Xin will be spread to various communities. We will be creating magical winter wonderlands out of clay with the youth, munching on gingerbread cookies, caramel apples, sipping hot chocolate.
Jia-Xin and her dad, Saint Jeremy !

Jia-Xin and her dad, Saint Jeremy !

Our upcoming activities – come get involved!

老師 Teachers: YiFan Chen, Snow Tsao

日期 Dates:
12/9-20 :買禮物和食物,禮品包裝。Buying gifts and staple foods, gift wrapping.
12/15 :我們將前往桃園縣私立睦祥育幼院為活動的第一站 We will be heading to Muh Siang Pre-School for the first one of Santa Jia-Xin’s Holiday Workshop
12/25 :參加桃山國小活動,把聖誕老人Jia-Xin的玩具運送到清泉 Joining in the TaoShan Elementary School activities followed by our Santa Jia Xin’s Toys for Taiwan delivery to ChingChuan
12/28 (moved to 1/4):聖誕老公公Jia-Xin的工作坊在清泉 Santa Jia-Xin’s Holiday Workshop in ChingChuan (Must register here: https://goo.gl/TCO6rd)

Come spend the holidays with us.
Volunteer and transportation fees are waived – just your presence is kindly requested!
Thanks to the many supporters that made this possible for her dream to come true to provide warmth to many of us greatly benefit it this holiday season.

Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/586113178104516/?ref=22



Jeremy and Tracie Rosenberg
Yuting Hung (matched dollar for dollar!)
Sharon & Buce
Guylaine & Terry
Laura & Jeff
The Bisskys
Uncle Jeff, Auntie Janet and Baby Morgan
Melissa & Danny
Eryn Holbrook
Jonathan Morrissey
Kathy Koopman
Omadar & Marc
The Dorval Family
Mitch Chang
Jordan Raine
Anna’s Incense
Miranda Friz
Iron Man Markus
Towler Family
Karen and Tim
Emily Halpen-Buie
Katarina and Mattias
Marla and Steve Rosenberg
Kim Roberts
Sherry Farley
Megan MacDonald
Jeff H
And other generous “Anonymous” sponsors!