街坊人物專訪| 鄭又綺


Daisy: 你是在何時、如何得知嚮光協會?為什麼想參與?
Starry: 2012年的秋冬之際受朋友嘉琦邀約,一起上山參加關於原民孩童的藝術課程,那時是第一次認識嚮光協會。因為在大學時期有參加過類似的志工活動,希望工作後仍能繼續參與社會關懷等相關活動,尤其特別喜愛孩子,因此每次嚮光舉辦活動都會盡力前往,也希望與孩子建立良好的陪伴與互信互助的關係。

D: 你已經拜訪過清泉的孩子將近三年,親眼看著他們日漸成長的感覺如何?
S: 其實每一次回去看到他們,都會把自己想像成他/她們的親姊姊,雖然不時常相見,但一見面那些熱切與溫馨都會重溫,因為孩子總是給予太多信任與溫暖,有時看到孩子身上時大時小受傷的疤痕,也會相當心疼。然而有些孩子也會表現相對生疏,這也讓常反思著自己在小孩們這幾年的記憶中,我們砌築什麼樣的形象及影響在他們這一小片段的成長時光裡,我期許是能帶來正面與歡樂的。

D: 在你所參與或拍攝過的嚮光協會課程之中,你最喜歡哪些課程?
S: 記得第一次參與的活動是肢體開發課程,那時帶著小朋友觀察自己熟悉的生長環境,藉由創意繪畫,最後以肢體語言與團隊合作表現,讓我感到相當新奇及印象深刻,也是很完整的活動規劃。

例如:2013-0427-藝術 由愛開始-Love Dogs (探討與動物的關係、並以團隊創作提供義賣捐助動保團體…)
2013-0928-MINI ME迷你我-紙作工作坊 (透過與志工朋友的探索對答、為彼此個性著色、兩者心靈的連結與展現…)
2014-0615-身體探索旅程 (特別寫這個是因為很喜歡那天老師帶領的方式,從每一個肢體接觸過程的牽引與彩繪,到最後還讓孩子與志工有相互按摩的小時光!希望讓孩子體認人們相處都是互相尊重與幫助,沒有誰本來就應該為誰做什麼,真的很難忘那天的活動 )
2014-1102-睦祥墨西哥鬼節 (認識不同文化、學習尊重與暸解、探討面對生命不同的可能與付出過程…)

D: 在嚮光協會的工作坊期間,什麼類型的照片或時光,讓你想嘗試捕捉?
S: 非常喜歡孩子享受在課程活動時發自內心開心的笑容,小小手掌握著奔放的畫筆(or something else),小小臉蛋與專注的眼神,都能讓我透過小觀景窗強烈地感受到孩子的喜悅。當然還有與志工朋友互動的過程,那總是能完全融化我無數次,直到修片的時候都還會笑著回味。

D: 為何你會持續參與清泉或嚮光協會的活動?
S: 之前大學時因學業繁重,後兩年較少參與活動,這讓我感到很可惜,因為與孩子斷了聯繫明白與孩子的心會是相互感受的,我的失約卻再也無法回到那些時光了,內心難過很難消化。因此多年後再次參與這類的志工活動,我期許自己是能專注長期陪伴的,因為孩子的信任如此珍貴,同時與孩子的互動真的能帶給我很多力量,再加上每次嚮光設計的活動課程相當豐富多變化,也充滿創造力與學習力開發,雖然每次醞釀的能量可能是一點點,但累積是最重要的過程。我很感謝遇見嚮光讓我小小彌補以往的遺憾,並且以穩定的狀態持續提供偏鄉孩童藝文課程,因為自己也是學習相關科系,能以自己擅長的領域協助推廣盡綿薄之力是偌大的滿足。另外嚮光在活動過程中的傳遞的理念也很正向,例如兩性關係、關懷社會、重視文化層面等等,一直是我持續支持嚮光的動力!

D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?
S: 我們都已是彼此生命或深或淺的一部份,因為我們相遇並且共同經歷了許多美好時光,我仍是以姊姊身份般期許他們成長過程平安,並擁有力量去對抗生命會遇到的種種砥礪,若能從與我相處的過程中感受到一絲絲正面的價值觀甚而影響到他/她們的行為,那會是我最奢侈的期許,當然我仍不是夠好的人,因此與孩子的教學相長對我而言更為重要,省思我該怎麼做會更好,對於孩子的獨立與陪伴、如何協助與介入而不負面影響到孩子都是我仍要持續學習的課題,例如:不要直接去告訴孩子你/妳要做什麼,而是讓他們有思考空間體悟到我應該要怎麼做會更好.



If you’ve been a fan of Bright Side Project’s photography, chances are that Starry was the one responsible for the heartwarming photo. Starry is the main photographer for Bright Side Projects and serves on our Board of Directors. She has been with Bright Side Projects since December 2012 and is one of our most treasured friends.

Her photography manages to capture the spirit and pure essence of what Bright Side is about. During the interview, the workshops out of the 50 we’ve hosted that she mentions as her favorite also happen to be my favorite. She is one of the most beautiful souls that I know and have had the honor of meeting in the past few years so I hope you will come meet us at our events!

Daisy: How and when did you find out about Bright Side Projects and what made you want to get involved?
Starry: In the winter of 2012, my friend Jia-Chi invited me to head up to the mountains for an art class with indigenous kids. This was the first time I came to know Bright Side Projects. I have volunteered before when I was still a student in college and hoped that when I started working after graduation I could continue. I especially love children so whenever Bright Side has an event I try my best to go and hope that I can build a symbiotic relationship with the children based on mutual trust.

D: You have been visiting the kids in ChingChuan for almost three years, how does it feel to see them growing up before your eyes?
S: Each and every time I go back, I always feel like I’ve become their real sister. Although we do not meet often, each time I go back we immediately reconnect. I feel awash with warmth because kids always welcome you with open arms and trust. Sometimes when I see kids have some scars on their bodies it breaks my heart.

Some of the kids also maintain a sense of unfamiliarity and one can reflect on what part does one play in a child’s memory. Regardless of how small of a fragment we may be on their road in life, I hope that our influence can be a positive and joyful one.

D: What are your favourite classes that you’ve participated in or shot with Bright Side Projects?
S: I remember the first time when I joined it was the “Artistic Expression Through Motion” workshop in ChingChuan. That time kids explored their home environment to select and create a drawing of an object. Then they would used their own bodies to “express” the drawing and also through other group games. I felt that the workshop was very thoroughly planned and had a lasting impression on me. In regards to my favorite class, my answer would have to be the ones that really let kids have self-introspection to explore who they are and also give them a chance to ask questions or express themselves. If kids can manifest unique ideas derived from their own thought process at the same time respecting ideas of team members, in addition to absorbing workshop’s content and goal, I believe this builds a meaningful purpose for them.

For example:
2013 4/27 “Advocacy through Art” – Love Dogs ( discussion of our relationship with animals, create art and works as a team for charity sales to help animal welfare organizations)

2013 9/28 “Mini Me” Paper Workshop – working with Big Friends asking each other questions and getting to know each others personalities. For the working pair, it really provided a direct view into each of our souls.

2014 6/15 Movement Exploration Journey – I’m pointing this one out because I loved how the teacher led the course that day, from every physical contact to the painting process, to when children and Big Friends ended the day with a mini massage session. Hope that children in understanding their own bodies will also respect and help others. There were no set rules or constrictions and freedom of movement, this was an unforgettable course!

2014 11/2 Day of the Dead – Learning about new cultures, learning how to respect and tolerate difference, discussion on how to face different obstacles in life.

D: What type of photo or moment in Bright Side workshops do you try to capture?
S: I love capturing moments when children are expressing their inner happiness so that a smile lights up on their glowing faces. During classes I also take pictures of their hands grasping onto a paintbrush, instrument, or other tools. I take these type of photos because seeing their small faces with concentrating eyes makes me feel that it’s a small window into the child’s pure unadulterated joy. And of course I love the interaction between Big Friends and the kids, these moments have melted my heart countless times. Every time I look through images for final selection it brings a smile to my face and takes me back to that moment.

D: Why do you keep coming back to ChingChuan or Bright Side Projects events?
S: My last two years in college didn’t leave my much time to get involved in the community which was a shame. It saddened me to feel that a link had been broken. When you engage in the lives of others, hearts become interconnected so being unable to turn back time for missed opportunities left me regretful. So after I graduated I began participating in more events and hope that I can develop long term friendships.

Gaining the trust of a child is very precious and from interactions one can draw a source of strength and vitality. In addition Bright Side workshops are always evolving with fresh new content and creativity, with many things to learn. Although in each workshop it may seem I only can do so much, these efforts are incubated and the compilation over the years is really what is significant. I’m very thankful that I got to know Bright Side Projects which was able to let me, in a way, make up in a small way for my past. I’m also grateful that they continue to provide stable art & cultural curriculum to children from different backgrounds. Since my profession is in a similar field, being able to assist with my know-how is also really fulfilling. Bright Side also tries to transmit or raise awareness on various positive ideas regarding gender relations, social issues, interest in cultural aspects, etc are the reasons for my motivation for why I continue to support Bright Side Projects.

D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
S: Since we’ve met and have experienced a part of life together, we will affect each other whether it’s a small ripple or a larger wave. I hope that my presence alongside of them as they grow will be beneficial that provides each one with strength to face what curveballs life may throw in their direction. If I can be a catalyst for positive change/enhancement to someone’s behavior, that would exceed my expectations. Of course I certainly don’t believe I’m that exceptional so I think the manner in which I teach and share my knowledge is more important. Learning how to be there for children as a companion without thwarting their independence, adversely affecting their thinking or hindering them is something I’m continuously learning. For example, in the course of a workshop do not directly dictate to them what needs to be done but give them room for growth in their decision making process.

Explore our website for more images from Starry Cheng and do come get to know us in person!


鄭又綺 Starry Cheng (YoYo)

鄭又綺 Starry Cheng (YoYo)

Photographer 攝影大師



Fu Jen Catholic University, Department of Applied Art. Studied Visual Communication. Occupation as a graphic designer.

Since graduation, Starry has volunteered in cultural arts related events through the academic system. She currently spends time with Taiwanese indigenous kids, mutually learning and building a relationship with them. To this day she fervently hopes to contribute and become a more integral part of society. Although she is unsure whether short-term involvement in the lives of the children will make an everlasting impact, Starry hopes by spending more time and growing alongside them that her love and warmth will inject happiness and positivity into their lives and into society.

Being a witness to intimate interactions between peoples and capturing the moment on image is her passion.

【活動報告】:2025/01/04 (台東) 暖心歲末 佳欣送禮

【活動報告】:2025/01/04 (台東) 暖心歲末 佳欣送禮

歲末送暖的旅程來到台東,為當地的孩子們與每一戶家庭送上了驚喜與溫暖。這份愛與祝福不僅溫暖了冬日,也成為迎接新年最美好的回憶,完美地為這次活動劃下了句點。 ►更多活動照片: [More images] 孩子們圍繞在聖誕樹旁,輕輕翻閱每一張寫有祝福的卡片時,他們也將自己的祝福寫在卡片上,感謝來自遠方的心意。隨著禮物一一分發,孩子們的笑容如陽光般灑滿現場。有的孩子細心地拆開包裝,興奮地享受每一個小驚喜;有的孩子迫不及待地與朋友們分享快樂;還有孩子們拿著棒球奔跑,為整個午後注入了無限活力和快樂。...

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【活動報告】:2024/11/23 (苗栗) 2024 暖心歲末,「藝」起畫動物工作坊

【活動報告】:2024/11/23 (苗栗) 2024 暖心歲末,「藝」起畫動物工作坊

這個歲末,嚮光將舉辦一系列關於愛與祝福的工作坊,透過藝術,一起傳遞對動物的關懷! 我們與苗栗的夥伴們一起認識了新朋友——可愛的倉鼠,了解牠們的生活習性及相處方式,首次嘗試以壓克力媒材進行創作,培養專注力與協調性。大家生動地描繪出心中的「鼠鼠」模樣。 ⭐️「藝術,讓愛發聲」系列課程: https://shorturl.at/cPk8p►更多活動照片 More images: https://shorturl.at/WmSO...

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