Update 12/9: Event is up here! Facebook here! We went out and bought a tree today…

Update 12/5

We have reached our goal of $1571 Canadian dollars! Look out for updates on the activities shortly!

Update 11/21
If you are in Taiwan and would like to send a wrapped gift of items and neccessities in good to new condition to the kids, please contact Cher Tsai (chertsai (at) gmail.com ) for the gift label and details!

Update 11/18

好消息!!!! 我們有一位非常慷慨的捐款人, Yuting Hung! 我們募到目標捐款後,她會額外捐出相同額度的款項! 這樣子我們目前只缺 6,000元就可以達到我們今年45,000元的目標了!We have amazing news! Yuting Hung, our super amazing generous benefactor, is willing to match dollar for dollar your donation until we reach our goal of $1,500! That means we only need about $250 more before some households and kids can feel the warm of the holidays!

What is a 8 year old girl’s wish?

六歲女孩的希望是什麼? 美麗的蓬蓬裙還是開心的遊樂園之旅?

Jia-Xin and her dad, Saint Jeremy !

Jia-Xin 跟她的爸爸!點進去可以看到JIA-XIN聖誕節短片~
and her dad, Saint Jeremy ! Click to see Jia-Xin’s video!

去年我們了實現她的願望,並且轉交JIAXIN準備的禮物和日常所需品(例如:食物,毛巾,夾克等。 )給需要的孩子們。由於聖誕節的意義不只是送禮物,更重要的是大家一起過聖誕節。因此,今年我們策劃了一個焦糖蘋果工作坊和還子一起歡度聖誕。
從海外捐款您可以到 https://www.youcaring.com/other/jia-xin-s-toys-for-taiwan/99969

JIAXIN的影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUvpKftTeRM


一起做純素杯子蛋糕工作坊: https://wp.me/p326jt-84


謝謝YIFAN幫我翻譯~ (寫的不好的部份就是我自己寫的,不好意思!)

JiaXin is a generous warmhearted little girl who was adopted from Taiwan and is now living in Canada. By a “chance” email back in November JiaXin’s father contacted me and asked me to fulfill a wish for his little 8 year old girl.

Believing she never celebrated Christmas when she was in Taiwan, she wanted to be able to provide gifts to those who would benefit the most from a little warmth during the festive season.

Last year we were able to fulfill her wish via delivery of needed items (food, blankets, jackets) and gifts to the children. Since Christmas is not about material things, but also about spending time together, last year we created a small Christmas vegan cupcake workshop to spend time with the kids. This year we’re looking at making some delicious caramel apples.

We are looking for your support and donation to make this dream come true again for 2013! We hope to include more children throughout Taiwan. Last year $1000 Canadian Dollars was raised – we hope to raise $1,500 this year.

From abroad you can at https://www.youcaring.com/other/jia-xin-s-toys-for-taiwan/99969 or in Taiwan let us know the amount brightside.tw@gmail.com and check here for bank details: https://brightside.tw/get-involved/benefactor/

We also need volunteers during this period and on the 21st ! Anyone up to dress like Santa Claus?

JiaXin’s FB: https://www.facebook.com/toysfortaiwan
JiaXin’s Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUvpKftTeRM

Last year’s report:https://wp.me/p326jt-7Y
Vegan Christmas Cupcake Workshop: https://wp.me/p326jt-84

Thank you!