Pocketful of Sunshine

接觸小胖與兆陽的時候,我發現我們三人都對美感與線條的創作方式都有龜毛的方式。所以我希望整個房間是呈現很簡單的顏色與 線條。

“Working with my kids I came to notice that all three of us have share the same extremities in appreciating beauty and lines. So I hope their room it would be created without an overstatement of colors, with simple lines. The two also really love sports so I included these images onto the walls.”

Read more about 許淳喻 Grace Hsu
Grace is part of our Build a Home Project, read more here and here
Grace 參加睦祥育幼院的夏日改造特別企畫,請點此點此 看更多訊息。

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Photos courtesy Ken Photography and James Teng