我們想要感謝最長期而持續在支持嚮光協會的JET SUNNY捷式股份有限公司。這些年,他們每月定期捐款,供給著我們希望,讓我們繼續為台灣的年輕孩子努力下去。甚至有些日子,他們是嚮光唯一僅有的支持。
因為他們以及他們的信任,我們得以將這些轉化成藝術教育課程,還有數不盡的健康純素餐點,讓孩子們享用。他們的捐款意味著,來自於關心的大人,是能夠實質的將支援給予需要的人!JET SUNNY 也會邀請小朋友們到他們公司參加為孩子舉辦的活動。我們真心期望能夠有越來越多企業,融入他們社區,像JET SUNNY 一樣回饋社會。我們也期待在未來持續地與他們合作。如欲更多了解JET SUNNY的服務內容包含 NATIVE 輕量鞋,歡迎點連結進入網站:https://www.facebook.com/nativeshoestw/
Jet Sunny: https://www.jetsunny.com/
如果你的公司,也想要加入我們的旅程,實踐企業的社會責任,歡迎聯繫我們 love@brightside.tw 。好多的小朋友、大朋友,都需要你這位,在乎關心他們的人。加入我們,成為改善問題的一員吧!
We want to thank one of our longest ongoing benefactors, JET SUNNY. Their monthly donations through the years have provided us with hope to continue the work we are doing with youth in Taiwan. There have been times when we’ve had no other support than them.
Because of them and their faith in us, we have transferred this into creative-educational classes and countless number of warm nutritious plant-based meals for the children. Their donations meant that support could be given by caring adults to those who benefit the most. JET SUNNY has also invited children to their company sponsored kid-friendly events. We only hope that more companies can engage in their community and give back as Jet Sunny has. We look forward to our continued partnership in the future. To learn more about their business including distribution of NATIVE footwear, please head to their website: https://www.facebook.com/nativeshoestw/
Jet Sunny: https://www.jetsunny.com/
If your company would like to join our life-long journey on corporate social responsibility, please contact us love@brightside.tw. So many youths and adults need someone who cares. Join us in becoming a part of the solution.