我們想要特別感謝 傢櫥MOODIWOOD 慷慨贊助 114,000 元!這筆經費對我們來說意義重大,將讓我們能進一步將我們的教育陪伴計劃推向全臺,建立更完整的支援網絡,讓大人孩子們能不分年齡彼此陪伴,一同創造一同成長。

因為Kaye Yuan我們有緣在2016年與MOODIWOOD相識,這一路下來我們一同與孩子走過一趟充滿愛的驚奇旅程。由Alen和Carol所帶領的這間公司,不只一次地對嚮光的計劃大力伸出援手,除了金錢物資以外,更多的是愛與支持。

MOODIWOOD 的夥伴原本就在附近的育幼院中持續推行慈善計劃,因此當我們在清泉部落中舉辦第一次木工工作坊時,他們立刻義不容辭趕來提供我們最專業的技術協助。在過程中我們不斷發現孩子們內在隱藏無限



我也想特別謝謝 Carol 和 Alen,是他們讓嚮光協會2017、2018年度以及接下來的未來計劃變得可能。我們目前同時持續在五個不同偏鄉區域提供教育資源及物資協助,也希望能為一路上與我們一同成長的大孩子們持續提供他們所需要的支持。我們想對MOODIWOOD,每一位曾支持我們的朋友以及參與計畫的孩子們說,我們的生命因為有你而多了一些光亮 – 有你真好!

Thank you to MOODIWOOD for your kind donation of 114,000 NT! This will go furthering our work throughout the country, building strong support system empowering youth and adults of all ages to bond, create, and grow together.

Much like our journey with kids, it has been an amazing ride with MOODIWOOD ever since meeting them in early 2016 thanks to Kaye Yuan. On more than one occasion the company spearheaded by Alen and Carol have supported Bright Side Projects not only with donations but with love and support.

Their staff already had ongoing programs with local orphanages in the vicinity and worked with us right away to bring their skilled artisans to ChingChuan for our first woodcraft workshop with the indigenous children. We learned so much about the kids ability and drive to do more and learn more. We just had to be able to provide the opportunity for them to do so and MOODIWOOD came at the perfect time.

Seeing their internal events and meetings we saw the pride and care they took into ensuring community, communication, and empowerment of their staff. It then made perfect sense on why we were destined on this journey together for the future of Taiwan. MOODIWOOD is that rare company that practices what they teach and we are so privileged to have met them.

I personally thank Carol and Alen for making Bright Side Project’s work for 2017, 2018, and the future possible. We are currently providing resources at over five locations and looking to provide the youth that have grown up with us resources adapted to their needs. We want to say to MOODIWOOD, our supporters, and the youth of Bright Side Projects how fortunate we are to have you in our lives making it a little brighter – as they say “有你真好!” (It’s so wonderful to have you!)