5/15 我們邀請了當地的小學生前來參加「迷你導演與披薩工作坊」,一開始大家都有點害羞,一旦打開心房,氣氛就變得非常熱烈、充滿樂趣。有些小朋友是第一次品嚐披薩,而其中更有些體貼的孩子希望能把他們的披薩帶回家和弟弟、妹妹分享。工作坊的後半段,則是讓孩子們藉由拍攝小短片,述說屬於他們自己的蘭嶼生活;雖然整個過程顯得有點手忙腳亂,有些孩子甚至離題了,但無庸置疑的,大家都玩得很開心!影像編輯完成後,我們會盡快和各位分享。
如果各位願意慷慨解囊,資助臺灣嚮光協會的東台灣秋季工作坊,請參考以下捐款帳戶資訊;捐款的朋友們也請寄封電子郵件(主旨:2016 FW TAITUNG)通知金額總數,以便我們將款項保留給東台灣活動專用。目前,募款的目標為新台幣九萬元(美金三千元)。
Thank you for all your patience! It’s been a packed 2016 in building up to our early summer activities. It takes several weeks and countless contacts to make each workshop possible; we hosted four in May in Orchid Island, Taitung, and Hsinchu and then moved onto a huge fundraiser in June.
It’s very difficult to express how grateful I am to those who choose to support Bright Side Projects and what we do – and truly understand what we are about. This time heading back to Taitung and Orchid Island for the second time, we were so fortunate to have enough people support us or else this journey would not have been possible!
Our first trip over was in November 2015 thanks to Santa Jia-Xin and supporters. The main project then was to construct a Christmas Tree from the recycled plastic bottles on the island. At that time due to time and budget constraints, the only workshop were able to host open to the public were was still limited to 15-20 kids (although close to 30 showed up).
Kids from the local elementary school were invited to join the迷你導演與披薩工作坊Mini Film & Pizza Maker Workshop. Initially quite shy, once the kids opened up they were enthusiastic and having fun. For some it was their first time to eat pizzas and some of the kids were very thoughtful, saying they wanted to take home their pizzas for their younger siblings. Our second part of the workshop included a plan to let kids tell us about Orchid Island through the medium of short film. It was a bit hectic and maybe not all the kids stayed on topic, but we all had a great time! We will be editing the footage and look forward to sharing this with you soon.
We were still severely understaffed for the workshops with kids, with only 5 Big Friends (two of them photography, videographer, and cook) versus the 25+ kids that showed up. Generally we require at least a 1:3 ratio to maintain the quality of the course so hope that we can do better in the future in supporting people to come with us. This time three of us were in charge of groups of 5-10. We look forward to more friends joining us in the future! Look at the faces of the kids in the photos and we know you will want to come too!
We want to build friendships and have long term relationships in communities so that there is a mutual understanding and respect. Being able to go back this time and spend time with the community, was invaluable. I took what I heard the first time into incorporating activities that would give us better understanding of what the locals want and what was available locally.
This time we invited Teacher Mei just for this project to make delicious focaccia bread with the women. Hosted at on the second floor of the stunning 漂流木餐廳recipes were handed out and ingredients distributed. SOLIS provided us with some festive colored aprons that brought an even happier and brighter dimension to our workshops.
The women that joined our 食物藝術: 佛卡夏麵包 Food & Art were probably some of the most dedicated students we’ve ever had in our events! While the focaccia dough was rising, we had watercolor pencils provided so that we could incorporate art and everyone could draw and share what resources Orchid Island had and also what they normally ate for breakfast. Hopefully in the future we will be able to utilize more of Orchid Island’s native ingredients. We asked them to let us know what type of courses they would like to join in the future.
Taitung and Orchid Island is a trek for us and we appreciate the support from everyone while we set up regular workshops and a presence there for the long haul. The logistics of bringing everything over itemized to around 500 pieces big and small, including shipping two ovens, was no easy task. All foodstuffs are vegan with no animal byproducts. Bright Side Projects supports the 1KG Campaign (減蘭嶼垃圾量生宣導多帶走1KG垃 )
and the majority of the workshop materials we sourced on the island, such as the cardboard boxes. Our team brought back all items and our trash to Taitung and Taipei to properly recycle. Before departing Taipei Bright Side Projects does not permit plastic bottles to be brought on our journey over.
If you would like to donate to fund our fall trip back to Taitung and Orchid Island, please find the bank info below. Email us with the subject “2016 FW TAITUNG” and the amount of your donation so we put this on reserve for this specific project. We are looking to raise $100,000 NT / ~$3,100 USD.
老師 Teacher:Rhea Chou
攝影師 Photographer:Haichen Hsu
大朋友 Big Friends:Rufen Cheng
廚師 Chef:Shang-Han Chien
贊助者 Sponsors:
Kelly Lin, Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公司 , Tina Chen, Pinky Yen, A Well Fed World, Anonymous Marathoner, RVenus Lai, Anonymous (B), 傢式國際股份有限公司, Ann Lin, Anonymous (002), 蘭嶼漂流木餐廳, 蘇威昇, 林孟甫, 林彤珊 Angela Lin,日本, 曜欐姐
特別感謝 Special Thanks:
潘梅芳, 阿婆 (蘭嶼漂流木餐廳),Ocean Wang, Olive Pai, Kaye Yuan, 曜欐姐, Tobie Openshaw, 蘭嶼女人魚民宿
更多照片 All photos: https://www.facebook.com/brightside.tw/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1113826272008156
更多 More: https://brightside.tw/2016ss-taitung-orchid-island/ 及 https://brightside.tw/2016-514-515-bright-side-orchid-island-workshops/
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