






2016 marks our fifth year spreading the generosity and dreams of Jia-Xin, a 6 year old Taiwanese girl that was adopted by a family in Canada, and also our fifth year in operation. Thank you to all the sponsors for our annual year end activities that stress on creation, kindness, and empowerment.

This year was an amazing journey due to the sheer amount of support we have received. We were not only able to provide local, organic foodstuff and necessities to over 12 families in Taiwan, with over 30 families with organic rice, but also hosted almost a dozen empowerment workshops through six different regions in the country to get to know the kids.

On December 21st, we delivered food, necessities, and gifts from our Secret Santas to some of the families. TaoShan Elementary School has always been a strong supporter and ally of Bright Side Projects and we are so grateful for their school and all that they do for the kids! Teacher Lin Yu Hong took time after the morning performances to take us around the village to deliver gifts to each family. We cut down on packaging for deliveries and wrapping gifts from scraps if available, the night before. It was a different emotion we felt to see the kids outside of the workshops and in their own family environment. No matter the circumstance, their smile always brightens up our days.

Bright Side Projects believes in long term involvement in puts a face and smile on those whose lives we want to become a part of. We are engaged with these communities all year round but having the ability to bring a little bit more warmth to families and children will lead to even stronger connections and builds compassion. With a special invite crafted by Salt for the children, we are excited to see the kids in the workshop tomorrow so they know that spending time together is also very important!

Thank you everyone, none of this is possible without each and every one of you!



攝影師 / 包禮物小幫手 : Nobi Nakanashi
大朋友 / 包禮物小幫手 / 小精靈: Debbie Liu
大朋友 / 迷你聖誕老公公: Grace Chong
邱郁婷, Yuan Ching, Liv Dear, Wenjing Hong, Sabrina Sutherland, Juleng Taing, Lulu Chandler, Rachel Huang, Bonnie Wu, Pony Lee, Miliyah Yan

1月14日薑餅人邀請卡設計: SALT DESIGN


感謝花蓮「友善態度自然農園」大力推廣地方自產有機稻米及蔬食生活。我們因此能為超過三十個家庭提供有機稻米。他們亦捐出新台幣$4816元。感謝 Lily Lin & Plants Eatery 的介紹!


Kevin Dam所領導的「孩童互助」公益計畫真正將佳欣的精神傳達給台灣地方的孩子們。我們在工作坊中讓孩子們透過捐贈的形式回愧社會,看見孩子們持續將善心傳遞擴散特別令人感動。透過新北市私立育才雙語小學Theresa, Andrew, Caria和Patty等幾位教師的協助,一年級的孩童們在短短數天內便募得新台幣52,743的鉅額!我們很快會再為這群孩子們製作完整的影像報告,請持續關注!有興趣跟我們「孩童互助」公益計畫配合可以聯絡 info@brightside.tw



更多照片: https://goo.gl/2KVAkL


Photographer / Gift Wrapper: Nobi Nakanashi
Big Friend / Gift Wrapper / Mini Elf: Debbie Liu
Big Friend / Mini Santa: Grace Chong
Secret Santas: 邱郁婷, Yuan Ching, Liv Dear, Wenjing Hong, Sabrina Sutherland, Juleng Taing, Lulu Chandler, Rachel Huang, Bonnie Wu, Pony Lee, Miliyah Yan
Invite Graphics: SALT DESIGN

Thank you to Buy Direct from Farmers for letting us create a wishlist that was quickly fulfilled! We want to support local farmers as we support local communities. We were able to provide families with high quality local organic goods. BDFF also donated a percentage of the sales to fund our future workshops – $7,436 NT.

Thank you to Hualien Friendly Farm for all that they do to not only promote locally grown organic rice, but supporting a plant-based lifestyle. We were able to provide over 30 families with rice and their donation of $4816 NT! Thank you Lily Lin from Plants for introducing us to them!

Thank you to RUNIVORE for their support over the years by providing Taiwan’s highest quality chia and oats! Their continuous fundraising and product to support us has exceeded over $30,000 NT and a friendship that is priceless.

[Kids for Kids] fundraising program spearheaded by Kevin Dam really brought the spirit of Jia-Xin to kids locally. In our workshops we let Kids Give Back by donating to an organization and it was touching to have kids continue to play it forward. With YuTsai Elementary School’s support especially with teachers Theresa, Andrew, Caria, and Patty, in just a matter of a few days the first graders raised an astonishing $52,743 NT! We will be doing a full report with images on these fantastic kids soon so look back!

This is the first elementary school to put any amount of effort in for Bright Side Projects and we are so touched. If you want to get your kids involved in fundraising for other kids who would benefit most, contact us and we can collaborate on something meaningful together! Contact us at info@brightside.tw for more details!

More images: https://goo.gl/2KVAkL

謝謝每一個人!今年達到 新台幣325,000 募款目標了!


1. Marco J Grishaber posts $100 / $3,175
2. Anonymous Marathoner $ 194 / $6,160
3. Stephen Suen $115 / $3,650
4. Austin Lin $50 / $1,588
5. Debbie Liu $100 / $3,175
6. Ben Yang/Ann Lin $291 / $9,240
7. Kevin Dam $30 / $952
8. Fong Lynn $158 / $5,000
9. Kevin Dam $15 / $475
10. Runivore $30 $1,000
11. Anonymous (S) $15 / $500
12. (YouCare JiaXin) $200 / $6,350
13. Soda Su $95 / $3000
14. Paul Tenk YC $150 / 4,600
15. Timothy Robinson YC $100 / $3,175
16. Anonymous YC $100 / $3,175
17. Anonymous YC $30 / $1,000
18. Rachel Huang 黃子娟 $940 / $30,000
19. Liao Guo Hong 廖國宏 $940 / $30,000
20. Lili Lin $310 / $10,000
21. Runivore $65 / $2,100
22. Soda Su $90 / $3,000
23. Tina Chen $313 / $10,000

24. Anon 3961 $30 / $1,000
25. Anonymous Marathoner $100 / $3,175
26. Omadar & Marc Pauze YC $30 / $950
27. Terry & Guylaine Furness YC $20 / 630
28. Sharon and Bruce YC $75 / $2,400
29. Anonymous YC $25 / $800
30. Jayne Temple YC $36 / 1,150
31. Mike Sollanych YC $30 / $950
32. Mark Miesner YC $30 / $950
33. Andy Hsia 夏偉 94 / $3,000
34. Kaye Yuan $36 / $1,160
35. Lily Lin $50 / $1,588
36. Jenna Cody Lynn $36 / 1160
37. Paula Perry $60 / $2000
38. Jonathan and Gemma Green (YC) X
39. Oliver, Sam, and Rowan Green (YC) X
40. sumo kindersley $30 / $950
41. Rhonda Gilby $60 / $1,900
42. Laura & Jeff Bryer (YC) X
43. Marla Rosenberg (YC) $100 / $3,175
44. Chris Robinson (YC) $100 / $3,175
45. Lou Stillman (YC) $100 / $3,175

46. RIchard Wang $30 / $950
YC (Anonymous) total ~ $125 / $3,900
47. 蕭聖穎 $94 / $3,000
48. 21919880 元大 $158 / $5,000
49. 范 家瑋 $200/ $6,340 (指定一戶家庭)
50. 福順股份有限公作服部 $310 / $9,860
51. 中信銀 30132635 $60 / $2000
52. 中華郵 90187513 $30 / $1000
53. Jennifer Yi $200 / $6,340
54. Lulu Chandler $291 USD / 9,240
55. Soda Su $94 / $3,000
56. MoodiWood $60 / $2000
57. Anonymous (SS) 19 USD / 600NT
58. 蕭絜 $30 / $1000
59. Anonymous *00530136 永豐 $94 / $3,000
60. Ironman Marcus YC : $100 / $3,175
61. Scott, Megan, Hayleigh, and Caitlin Mac-Flem YC $100 / $3,175
62. 廖國宏 $3,151 / $100,000
63. 二月童話 $222 / $7,050
64. Anon (LD) $60 / $2000