While artists and friends have been beautifying the spaces at MuHsiang’s new home as part of our “BUILD A HOME” summer project, we wanted to also invite new friends to join us so kids could have individual, unique art pieces for their new home.
There was no one better suited to lead this workshop than artist Haena Kang that flew in from New York. I had seen examples of her art and combining this with her dedication was the perfect combination of passion I was looking for. James Teng also had a fantastic idea for his room which kids would create woven art pieces and pillows. Two teachers conducted the “bits n’ pieces” workshop simaltaneously so kids were given a choice of what they wanted to create.
Everyone was taken through the process of applying varies width masking tape onto their canvas, myriad of painting techniques and applications (not only through brushes), and chatted while we waited patiently for the layers of paint to dry before applying on the next.
The fabric for weaving was painstakingly provided by stripping second hand clothing (courtesy Animals Taiwan) and individually packaged by hue. James hand built the individual looms. The result after 2.5 hours of kids and big kids working hard were vibrant, gorgeous, and unique canvases and looms.
Thank you Sophie Hsu for an amazing home-made lunch and introducing to many for the first time, an Indian meal. Indian yellow dahl, basmati rice, Taiwanese squash with corn succotash, potato salad with mustard mayo and poached egg. This was topped off with fresh fruit salad drizzled with blueberries, maple syrup, and Greek yogurt.
Despite the wait time where you would usually have people get bored easily, everyone was occupied and had a great time in the summer heat. This attested to the amazing people, including a long waitlist of hopefuls, who sign up for the massive workshop and chatted, mingled, and joked with the kids. We were able to pair up one big friend to 1-2 kids this time.
Workshops throughout the year so that their home and lives may be filled with not only their artworks, but the memories, friendship, and happiness that set the foundation for each creation.
Lead Teachers: Haena Kang & James Teng
Kitchen Table: Sophie Hsu
Photographers: Ken Wang, Chloe Wu, Jia-Chi Su, Starry Tseng
Friends: Rufen Cheng, Dan Cuenca, 林奕希, 何婉如, Elizabeth Lee, 蔡沛樺, 朱智麒, 王佩琳, 林真, 宋文心, 陳信良, 陳怡采, 李宣薇, 陳芳涵, Mohan Huang, Melissa Lin, Grace Hsu, Jeff Yang
Supporters: Pure Yoga x Saladay, Animals Taiwan (Liza Milne), Yuting Hung, Jun Yang, Jaime Cheng, Sezer Dege, Kaye Yuan, Robbie Cheng
Date 日期: 8/31 (Sunday) 8月31日(日)
Time 時間: 11:30 – 15:30
Location 地點: 睦祥新家 MuHsiang New Home (near Taoyuan Airport)
Tasks: learn alongside kids to create a piece of art and themselves for the new home.
任務: 陪伴孩子一起在藝術家引導下創作一件迷你藝術品,藝術品將在完工時被裝飾於新家牆面。
Event callout: https://brightside.tw/2014/08/23/2014-831-睦祥育幼院改造大作戰-之-迷你作品創作坊-muhsiang-build-a-home-bi/
You can read more about the project here. Keep track of of this project here or via the #buildahome2014 on Facebook ( https://fb.me/BrightSide.tw ). Contact brightside.tw@gmail.com with any questions or concern.
您可以在我們的網站中獲得更多關於這項計劃的資訊,或透過Facebook上的Hashtag標籤「#buildahome2014」https://goo.gl/t7jvkb 及粉絲頁面 (https://fb.me/BrightSide.tw)持續關注這項計劃的進展。如果有任何問題或建議,也歡迎隨時寫信至 brightside.tw@gmail.com