While we are focused on getting the association registered so we can begin to properly fundraise, workshops for this year have been decreased. However, interest has not waned as within 48 hours of registration our first official workshop in ChingChuan was full for both volunteers and kids alike.

Our fun adventure to ChingChuan began with some vehicle mishaps in Taipei. That didn’t stop us as our good-natured volunteers were still determined to make the 2 hour journey to see the kids. After arriving in ChingChuan,we broke down tasks and split into three groups whom worked together learning how to create a short film from selection of venues, props, story telling, creation of storyboards. Morning snacks of mini croissants and apple slices were munched on as each group mulled over the infinite possibilities for their movie.

Groups selected their costumes, a good supply thanks to the teachers and Carleen’s English Learning Center. They took turns to go downstairs to create their English muffin mini pizzas for lunch. Our volunteers, especially Jeff Yang, took a good portion of the morning to prepare some wonderful vegetarian toppings to give kids and big kids a fun nutritious selection of bell peppers, tomatoes, seasoned mushrooms, and pineapples. He even slid in a small platter of chopped bananas for the more adventurous.

While their pizzas got toasty they continued on the brainstorm train and drew out storyboards and assigned roles. A delicious lunch of fruit salad and SALADAY’s famous pumpkin soup was served to accompany the kids mini pizzas. With a short rest break the groups got together again as they couldn’t wait to start shooting their films!

Horror movie? Love story? Rescue mission? We’ve got a bit of everything. Come back for more updates since the edits for these cinematic masterpieces will soon be complete!

More details:

4/19 (Saturday) 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
日期 / 時間:4月19日(六)上午10:30 - 下午 4:30

Location: Taoshan Youth Cultural Center in ChingChuan, Hsinchu
地點: 新竹縣五峰鄉桃山村 桃山青年文化中心


Lead Teacher: 曼波 Manbo Key, James Teng
Photographers: 蘇嘉琦, 鄭又綺

Volunteers: Harris Liu, Sophie Ping Ya Hsu, Paul Liu, Sophie Chang, Mohan Huang 黃亞中,Wan Chin Hsiang 萬慶祥, Jeff Yang, Sarah Milne

Kitchen Table: Jeff Yang with pumpkin soup courtesy of SALADAY

Special Thanks: Kaye Yuan (SALADAY), Josh Kuo (SALADAY), and Carleen Fischer (Carleen’s English Learning Center

Purpose: Engage children in creative story and consideration of props, costume, set, to create a short film.



Children will learn: creativity, basic principles of short film making, costume creation, story narration, teamwork.
學習目標: 創造力、電影拍攝基本流程、說故事技巧、團隊合作。

Volunteer Tasks: Burn brain and creativity calories to work with children to create a inspirational and fun short film!

Event Call Out here.