One of our first workshops introducing the world of advertising to the kids! The best thing is we had so many new faces, not just with the volunteers, but many of the children as well. It’s always so nice that even after a year of workshops at ChingChuan, new faces appear. I love having people come to get to know each other and spend time together.

All images courtesy of Jonathan Burke and 蘇嘉琦。

We kicked off with some 3D renderings of an outline of hands. This was psychedelically cool and it’s so easy to start – just an outline of the hand and slight “bump” or “rise” (think Joy Division Unknown Pleasures) that all of the volunteers themselves were pretty eager to create one. I’m actually thinking of working on a more in-depth 3D workshop because of this – any teachers?

Lunch was taken thanks to a mouthwatering masterpiece that was magically created yet again by our Kitchen Table sponsor SALADAY. The corn soup was gone in an instant, really warming us up in the cold weather. This vegetarian meal of pasta and salad gave us an extra shot of energy for the next 4 hours!

Clay and paper plates became our weapon of choice for the advertisements. We split into groups and kids were given a choice of products to create a “paper plate poster” along with a slogan to present it to everyone. I was selected to join in a group and we selected SAVION WIPES (wet wipes). Asking what we these could be utilized for, I received a continuous non-stop chorus of “wiping behinds” – so we created a bathroom scene!

The day concluded with hot chocolate plus croissant snacks after a brisk nature walk. Another wonderful workshop, thank you so much to our new teacher Ivy Hsu!

Our teacher Ivy Hsu

Our teacher Ivy Hsu


Event callout here


The “Advocacy Through Art” series welcomes us to learn about a new world and empowers by kids channeling their artistic talents to make a positive impact on the world. Last time we created to raise awareness for our canine friends. This time we have a teacher that will strengthen kids ability to further refine the craft of the advocacy through one of our most fun workshops yet!

Date/Time 日期 / 時間:
11/30 (Saturday) 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
11月30日(六)上午10:30 - 下午 4:30

Location: Taoshan Youth Cultural Center in ChingChuan, Hsinchu
地點: 新竹縣五峰鄉桃山村 桃山青年文化中心

老師 Lead Teacher: Ivy Hsu

Purpose: Children will have a chance to learn about the world of promotion and advertising. They will learn to explore their creativity by seeing objects in a new way, highlight it, and be able to communicate a story to others about it artistically to change the world. Children will take this lesson into future Bright Side project workshops.


Age Group: 7-13

Maximum Capacity: Space is limited to 10 volunteers on a first come first serve basis.報名:10 位志工。麻煩11月19日前EMAIL

Kids will learn: Creativity, storytelling, teamwork, fundamentals and powers of advertising.

Volunteer Tasks: Help the kids create a campaign and burn brain and creativity calories!

Material Fees: $300,400,500 sliding scale for volunteers. What is a sliding scale? We understand that everyone’s circumstance is different and want to make the workshop accessible to everyone. Pitch in what you can!

Covers course materials for kids, and a delicious SALADAY lunch for both you and the children.

Saladay Lunch:
Saladay Sauce Caesar Salad
Main course: Seasonal veggie cheese penne pasta
Soup: Classic creamy corn soup主食:季節時蔬起司通心粉