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■萬盛節裝扮 與 長輩圖製作
為了營造更多的派對氣息,我們製作了眼球果汁和 Vegan 巫婆手指餅乾,使用紅毛丹和藍莓做成假眼球,配上新鮮水果製成果汁,逼真的手指餅乾也讓樂齡感到驚奇!
樂齡的熱情參與讓我們見識到「學習不分年齡」,不論到哪個年紀,快樂的秘密是保有熱忱體驗新事物,用敞開的心來分享和交流,這也是#嚮光樂齡計畫 的目的之一:陪伴樂齡,創造豐富的生活。
2023 hell-o-ween post report
We believe that fun and learning about culture and technology can by had by anyone had at any age! Today we were able to introduce a new holiday to our older folks; Halloween! To our surprise, most of them have never heard of this holiday which many children in Taiwan who now participate in its festivities.
Bright Side Projects got there early to decorate one room into a spooky cave complete with dry ice and music for the mystery horror boxes. We set up a table with full skeleton, cranberry “blood” eyeball punch, and edible plant-based finger cookies.
We really wanted them to be able to get to know Halloween and some of the horrors and fun horrors through a variety of ways; playing guessing games using various senses to introduce oft seen monsters and creatures of the night, hearing crunching and guessing what body parts were broken, crawling on the floor with our hair all over the place in an attempt to recreate The Ring, and drawing potential body parts they would be in the mystery boxes.
Older folks had a great time in the horror room, screaming and cringing as their hand went into the boxes. We only let two in at a time – outside they were dressing up in costume garb and having a fun time taking photos with body part props and seeing how to make virtual greeting images, which is a tradition for older folks in Taiwan to send to each other. We hope you can support us and join us next time for our events!
老師 Teacher:Tiffany Chang | 簡秀芳
大朋友 Big Friends:Daisy Lin | Tiffany Chang | Ruriko Lee | Cassie Lin | 陳蘊倫 | 簡秀芳 | 陳柏政
攝影師 Photographer:Daisy Lin
特別感謝: 弘道基金會 社工尚程 | Liza Milne (道具) | Charline Jourcin (道具) | Josephine Lin(道具)
贊助者: 高偉恩 | Elizabeth Ting | 詹慶瑜, Elizabeth Ting
定期定額: 楊小慧 | Makoto Hamada