我們與拳擊教練安德烈·特雷雷 Andre Terere  一起展開嚮光的夏季暑期活動!


更多活動照片more images : https://reurl.cc/E1nj7n

活動當天,Andre 分享了他的拳擊故事,再帶領大家一起暖身,學習基礎的拳擊技法,而孩子們早已躍躍欲試,拿到拳擊手套就迫不及待地揮拳。


儘管 Andre 無法用中文和孩子溝通,但他可以從孩子眼中看到喜悅,對他而言,這就是最棒的回饋;即使有語言限制,我們仍然能互相幫忙,能用行動來表達技能、愛和好意。

非常感謝教練 Andre 用心地設計課程,也謝謝您們捐贈拳擊手套,讓嚮光能順利帶給孩子這個美好的體驗!

After several years, we were finally able to bring boxing class as per request by kids, to Taoyuan MuHsiang Children’s Home! It took a mixture of the perfect coach and the right timing for us to have met Coach Andre and then invite him to meet with the youth. While there were many coaches and trainers that we personally loved, we felt that Andre would be the best fit for the children’s first foray into boxing; he shared his past history of how he grew up and used boxing not only as a way to relieve his stress and emotions, but it also changed his life and took him around the world. We love this for our kids that anything could be possible and appreciate Andre for sharing his story.

We split up first the younger kids who went through a makeshift obstacle course for them to warm up and also practice some moves; even the most impatient of the kids patiently waited for their turn to practice with the coach. Andre said that despite not being able to verbally communicate with the children, he saw the joy their eyes and this spoke volumes to him. The younger kids even tried to offer some of their personal belongings as gifts as they so much enjoyed the class and his humor. The older kids had a tougher workout with real warm ups with pushups and jumps, then proceeded to get some of the basic moves down one learns in boxing. The insane workout produced a ton of sweat and an equal amount of laughter as the teens pushed through the class and loved it. Some said that this was such a great way of them being able to release their stress and we were whispered from one of the quieter youth that they felt this class really were of use to them.

Today was a wonderful way both the coach and the kids to spend together and it also shows that we are all capable of spreading our skills, love, and kindness through action, even if language prohibits us from doing so.

老師 Teacher: 安德烈·特雷雷 Andre Terere

大朋友 Big Friends: Eddie Wang 王崧博 | Paddy Wang  | Peggy Juang | Daisy Lin 

攝影師: Daisy Lin |  Eddie Wang 王崧博

特別感謝 Thank you:Tabosa Fabio | Mario Schembri | 桃園市私立睦祥育幼院 劉緣玉、小白 | Ooh Cha Cha

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