很榮幸可以再次邀請到 第三空間 Seedsaw Studio 的小蔡老師,跟嚮光樂齡一起完成時下最受歡迎的藝術流動畫!
顏色可以展現我們的內在,小蔡老師引領樂齡從袋子裡隨機選一個顏色,並帶領大家思考「這個顏色代表你的心情嗎 ? 」以及「這個顏色讓你想起什麼呢 ?」,起初,他們都有點猶豫分享自己的感受,也有人表示不知道怎麼畫,這個狀況在年紀較大的兒童和成人之間是很容易遇到的,不過,在嚮光工作坊裡,這情況總能被打破,每個人都擁有創造力喔!
更多照片: https://tinyurl.com/k84mfpcs
再次感謝 第三空間 Seedsaw Studio 帶給我們美好的時光 ~
老師 Teacher: 第三空間 Seedsaw Studio 小蔡
大朋友 Big Friends:Iris Peng 彭詩婷 | 543 Flow Studio | Sara Chien 簡秀芳 | Da Lun 陳大倫| Daisy Lin
特別感謝 Thank you:弘道 尚程社工 | 小蔡老師
贊助者 Sponsors:Elizabeth Ting | 弘道老人福利基金會 | Makoto Hamada
Creating a piece of yourself through the expression of fluid art is one of the most popular classes right now and we were so honored to be able to work yet again with Seedsaw Studio to let our older friends experience this for themselves.
We took a slightly different approach in having individuals pick their colors out randomly from a bag Teacher Tsai prepared, leading into discussion whether or not the color represented how they felt today – and also what the color reminded them of. There was some slight hesitation in sharing their thoughts and also some spoke up saying they “don’t know how to draw” which is oftentimes something you hear from older children and adults; also something that by the end of each Bright Side Projects workshop they find out to be untrue.
Once the “messy” part started, everyone tied up their aprons and were eager to get going. We took care into making sure that each individual was able to see and test applications of the paint with different tools on one canvas that became their group work.
When everyone got their own tools and blank canvases, the room became silent as everyone took so much care into the creation of their artworks. The chatter arose again as we heard everyone ooh-ing and aah-ing over each others masterpieces. This was actually Before Bright Side Projects inaugural workshop with our older friends – we have been volunteering for several months at the center prior – and this was the first time that when class ended, everyone stayed afterwards to simply stare at their awesome creations and also to look and discuss everyone else’s work.
Everyone’s masterpiece was unique and also representative of themselves. We loved that their passion and a little of themselves were shown through the stunning artwork and hope that they know not only are we all little artists, but we are all unique and beautiful!
Thank you to Seedsaw Studio!