2018佳欣冬日歡樂王國的最終站來到 財團法人苗栗縣私立幼安教養院,帶著佳欣的慷慨祝福,我們用農曆新年的慶祝方式,熱熱鬧鬧的展開新的一年!

長期贊助我們的夥伴 Plants 提供了發票紙軸與作廢貼紙,我們一直在計畫該怎麼利用,藉此新年主題,決定徹底來場回收大升級!利用過期的麵粉製作黏土春聯、紙軸變身炮竹、貼紙塗上金色顏料的點綴效果,噠啦~????????????一串串鞭炮掛飾完成!沒有噪音也沒有空氣污染,同樣是喜氣洋洋過新年啦!

謝謝 貝多蕾納 Blossom Rena Vegan Cafe 贊助純素獅子頭、屏東農夫 大武清境有機農園 贊助香蕉當作水果沙拉,在熱烈的課程過後,享用一頓純素午餐,頗有團員飯的感覺呢!


嚮光黏土春聯-炮竹 升級再造 DIY: https://brightside.tw/bsp-recipes-lunar-new-years-decoration/


老師 Teacher:April LaLa
攝影師: 陳智彥 | 楊筑安 |Daisy Lin

大朋友 Big Friends:張惠閔 Omi | 周純卉 | 陳智彥 | 周學弘 | 王玟涵
廚師Chef: Daisy Daddy 黛西的爸爸, Blossom Rena

智邦公益館 30,000 | Cornelia Chen 10,000 | 龔韋貞 10,000 | 曹恩慈 13,566 | Lulu Chandler 9,600 |林 Anonymous 3000 |姚茶瓊 100 | 捷式股份有限公司 Jet Sunny 10,000 | 台中福華大飯 Taichung Howard Plaza Hotel  25,000 | 傢式國際股份有限公司 MOODIWOOD 25,000 | 姚X瓊 100 | Plants 10,000 | Ishi Lin 500 | 陳X妤 (hidden amount| | 霧件有限公司 3,000 | Angela Lin  500 | Anonymous R 1,200 | 鄭X芬、梁X勛 1,200 | Norman MacDonald 50 USD = 1,450 NTD | Rhonda Gilby 100 USD = 2,900 NTD | 萬安生命 30,000 | 霧件有限公司 3,000 | Yuting Hung (secret amount) |Tina Chen 10,000 | Austin Lin 100 USD = 2,900 NTD | Ooh Cha Cha 3,964 | Jed Chen 500 | 姚X瓊 100 | Anonymous 125 USD = 3,625 NTD | Marla Rosenberg 100 USD = 2,900 NTD | Steve Rosenberg 50 USD = 1,450 NTD | Darlene Pauz 50 USD = 1,450 NTD | Ruthe Holmen Baez 20 USD = 580 NTD | Anonymous 20 USD = 580 NTD | Guylaine Pauze Furness 25 USD = 725 NTD | Sharon & Bruce 75 USD = 2,175 NTF | Oliver Green 35 USD = 1,015 NTD | Sam Green 35 USD = 1,015 NTD | Roawn Green 35 USD = 1,015 NTD | Jonathan and Gemma Green 100 USD = 2,900 NT | 台灣跑山獸有限公司 Taiwan Beast Runners Cory Lewandowski 3,000 NT

特別感謝 Special Thanks: 朱社工 | 幼安教養院 | Sophie Cho


We wrapped up our amazing year in Miaoli with more youth and adults whose smiles we love to see! For those that have been following us, they know that we care about the environment and upcycling every chance we get. We were fortunate to have been on this journey of compassion and love for the earth with Plants, who provided us with a challenge to upcycle sticker labels and empty receipt tubes!

The tubes were painted red and stickers painted gold to provide the template for firecrackers, providing an eco-friendly way to “celebrate” the upcoming Lunar New Years. Clay upcycled from expired flour got a third wind of life after our December workshop in Taoyuan, gracing the stage once again today and made appropriately into hanging ornaments wishing people with fortune for the upcoming year.

Thank you to 貝多蕾納 Blossom Rena Vegan Cafe sponsoring the braised “Lion’s Head” vegan meatballs which we paired with a traditional cabbage stew for our lunch! Thank you also to our long time friend Sara Chien for the organic bananas from her family farm in PingTung – 大武清境有機農園!

It’s going to be a new year and we will need your support to get through 2019, please find it in your hearts to continue to sponsor our work with youth and adults in Taiwan by making a donation, big or small ????‍❤️‍????‍????

MiaoLi YuAn Shelter provides resources for youth and adults living with disabilities.