課程上我堅持燒熱開水, 減少塑膠袋。真的要花比較多時間但是這地球不行只是為了我們“方便”!I’m still a stickler for boiling hot water on site for the children’s drinking water during class instead of buying plastic jugs. It’s more environmentally friendly. I know that it takes longer and isn’t as easy but Earth cannot always be subject to the whims of our convenience. I also encourage volunteers to bring their own water to the classes. Reduce, reuse, recycle!


Taipei bottled water taps into city sources: survey

About 35 percent of the bottled water sold in Taipei is tap water, according to a recent survey conducted by city environmental protection authorities and released yesterday.

Twelve of 34 items tested by the Taipei City Government’s Department of Environmental Protection were tap water purified by manufacturers prior to sale, the survey showed.

Ten of the products examined, or 29 percent, used mineral groundwater, while eight used mineral water from artesian wells, the survey said.

The remaining four products were derived from sea water.

The department said the public should pay attention to the packaging information describing the sources of bottled water.

The department also urged consumption of tap water, saying that it is much cheaper than bottled water and is more environmentally friendly in its manufacturing process.

Bottled water is 2,500 times more expensive than tap water, the department said, and generates on average 2,350 times more carbon dioxide during its manufacture, delivery and recycling.

While many people believe bottled water is higher in quality than tap water, many bottled water products do not undergo proper quality control, in contrast with the Taipei Water Department’s constant monitoring of tap water quality, the department noted.

Source: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2014/04/22/2003588622