「良師益友計畫」預計在2014的冬季正式開始!這將建立起「大朋友」志工與青少年之間的友誼,期望雙方共同學習成長,讓未來更美好 。
We aim to kickstart the Face of the Youth mentorship program by this Winter 2014. This enhanced friendship of Big Kid volunteers growing alongside with the youth is key to the positive change for the future.
Why the “Face of the Youth” mentorship? 為什麼是「良師益友」?
Ever increasing in a world that is linked by anonymity, we need to begin building relationships. What around us lack is not the things we can buy them but it’s by our patience and caring, spending time with them to be concerned about them.
Having someone listens to you, having someone see you is important. Children have a face and a name. They also need someone to turn to. That can be you. What we are looking for are long term mentors with a big heart and ears, patience. Someone who has a few hours each month to keep in touch with kids. This program is open to children and young adults who need someone with the patience and will take the time to listen to them.
How are these different from workshops? 這個計畫與協會舉辦的課程有何不同呢?
The workshops really serve as a channel for volunteers to organically forge friendships with kids through play, creating, and sharing of time and food. This would take it to the next level. Big Kid volunteers would keep in touch beyond just the hours of the workshops and be even more attuned to the needs of the child.
How do I become a mentor? How do I get started? 該如何成為計畫的輔導員呢?又該如何開始呢?
You can get involved first by joining our workshops. The reasons for this is because we feel relationships that are conceived organically is the best kind. During workshops, certain children may feel more comfortable interacting and sharing with you, and vice versa. From this we begin the foundation of the “Face of the Youth” program.
If you are unable to attend our workshops, you can also help us by donating. This would aid in ensuring that mentors are able to keep in touch and visit their kids who may be located in regions that are hours away. We would also be able to bring kids out on outings and have group field trips!
More details coming shortly. If you have ideas on how to provide fun opportunities for our mentorships on outings and excursions, contact us!