The mission of Bright Side Projects is to give everyone the opportunity and platform to create magical moments and experiences, furthering involvement in their communities.
Forget what you’ve read on amazing and inspiring people on how distant and ‘saintly’ they may seem. Being a vehicle for positive change is absolutely accessible. Here we believe if you want to do it, you can achieve it. Bright Side is here to empower you to do so!
What does Bright Side need? 我們需要什麼人?
A rotation of passionate volunteer teachers that can teach innovative and engaging courses on weekends. Prefer consecutive courses that can be taught in progression so children can build on their skills but I am also open to hearing fantastic ideas.
If you are a company looking to provide a meaningful and fun day for youths, contact me as well and we can make something miraculous happen.
Who “creates”? 誰來「創造」美好時光?
Anyone – individuals, groups, companies. Many of our volunteer teachers have never volunteered before, nor have they “taught” children. It turned that these were often the workshops which were the most fun for everyone! What I do know is that anyone can create beautiful things and we are all capable of forming relationships. I put this faith in others and it became a reality – you just need to have faith in yourself as well!
What is the time commitment? 專題課程所需花費時間?
如果您首次參與嚮光協會的計畫, 我們會先與您碰面, 介紹嚮光協會, 了解您的想法, 與回答您的疑問。後續的聯絡與進一步討論都會透過線上的聯繫, 最後會再碰面討論一次, 確認細節及所需材料。老師們負責購買及攜帶專題課程所需材料, 嚮光計畫會支付課程材料費用。在購買之前, 嚮光會針對課程材料清單做審核及預算核准。
專題課程分為一天 (4-5小時)或半天 (3小時) ; 課程之間提供新鮮的全植物性午餐。以上時間計算不包括往返的交通時間。
If you are new to Bright Side Projects we will meet up first to introduce BSP and get a sense of what you have in mind and answer questions. Further discussion generally takes place on-line there after with one more meeting once more to firm up details and material list. Teachers are responsible for purchasing and bringing required materials to the workshop, with reimbursements provided by BSP. The material list will be discussed and budget approved beforehand.
Workshops are either full day workshops (4-5 hours); half day (3 hours); with freshly prepared vegan lunches in-between. This does not include the amount of transportation time that could take anywhere from 1-2.5 hours each direction (pending on Taoyuan or ChingChuan).
How do I get started? 如何加入?

Is there a certain ethos or principle I should be aware of when in a workshop? 在參與協會的課程活動中,我是否需注意什麼?
Please read our Manifesto. We do have an equal opportunity and diversity policy intact so we get people from different beliefs and backgrounds. There are a few consistencies that we maintain for all big kids and little kids – we are all capable of achieving anything. This means gender fluidity, potentially breaking traditional norms. More communication, more tolerance, more love.
What am I creating? 我能做什麼?
Our workshops are a series of carefully crafted special moments. These springboards of creativity are one of the most important ways for us to get to know the community, interact with kids, and for our “Big Kid” volunteers to forge bonds forming into long term relationships and mentorships.
Special moments can also be an invitation to a special basketball game, cooking crepes together, enjoying a creative Halloween meal. To maintain the quality of interaction or to maintain a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio, we put a cap on 15 kids maximum per workshop.
What is provided? 嚮光協會能提供什麼?
Venue, budget for course materials. A team of passionate volunteers teacher helpers, logistics, project coordination, photographers. Workshops and events are often paired by our plant-based Kitchen Table lunches.
What if I can’t speak Mandarin? 如果我不會說中文/英文怎麼辦?
No worries – our Projects are accessible for everyone and we have translators on hand if you need them.
What have you done in the past?嚮光協會在過去都做了些什麼?
我們的活動課程很多樣化,包括模擬火山爆發、定格動畫、現代舞、製作迷你版的自己、絹印版畫做T恤…等,讓大朋友和小朋友們都意猶未盡!歡迎看看我 們過去的活動紀錄。還有其他的活動,像Duchess Bakery讓青少年體驗製作可麗餅,Saladay則定期舉辦活動,如幽靈萬聖節和籃球比賽等。短短時間,就能創造無限可能!想得知更多詳細資訊,可以聯絡我們並填寫問卷。我們期望能提供更多有趣的課程活動,讓臺灣的青年和學子收獲珍貴的經驗和回憶。可以看看我們老師們的介紹喔!
We’ve had everything from exploding clay volcanoes, shooting stop motion animation films, modern dance, creating mini versions of ourselves, silk screen printing t-shirts, and both our Big Kid volunteers and kids want to learn more! You can read some of the post event wrap up reports here.
Others have also provided youths with the experience of cooking crepes by Duchess Bakery, fun seasonal events like recent Spooky Halloween by Saladay, and basketball games. Infinite possibilities, such little time!
Contact me for more details and fill out the questionnaire here. We are looking to provide fun courses to youths throughout Taiwan who would benefit greatly from this invaluable resource.
You can read up on some our teachers here!