Help us raise funds to donate to Animals Taiwan!
“「藝術,讓愛發聲」”系列工作坊第一彈: 由新竹縣桃山國小的小朋友,在義工和老師的指導協助下,創作關於狗狗的圖畫,再製版印刷為愛心T−shirt。
All T-shirts are T-Shirts are all designed by the kids from TaoShan Elementary School as part of the first in the course of “Advocacy Through Art” series, with the assistance of volunteer teachers and their teachers aides. You can read more about the process below or click here!
The “Advocacy Through Art” series welcomes us to learn about a new world and empowers by kids channeling their artistic talents to make a positive impact on the world. Each T-shirt is individually printed by hand so are unique.
Limited number for charity sale, less than 25.
All except men’s light blue Ts and kids, T-shirts are Made in Taiwan. Hand wash and line dry only.
目前的尺寸:All sizes here
目前的顏色:Available colors here
T恤衫尺寸訊息: T Size specs here
Updated July 3rd : Available sizes and colors HERE for the three designs. 參考目前(7月3日)的T恤!
- Design #1 “A Delicious Doggy Diet”
- 曾茹意 Photo courtesy Jon Burke 白炯涵
- Teacher Fish with her students! Photo Courtesy 鄭又綺
- After we waited for the paint to dry, we had to iron each shirt individually.
- From the front
- Side view with logo.
- 何惠慈 Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦
Design #1 “A Delicious Doggy Diet” 狗狗的食物
What should our doggy friends eat and not eat? While we may think some things are delicious, they can easily upset our furry friends’ tummies. Some of these innocent items includes chocolate, grapes, and onions.
狗狗可以吃什麼,不可以吃什麼呢? 我們覺得好吃的東西也許會讓狗狗中毒或拉肚子,比如說巧克力,葡萄和洋蔥, 等等
- Design #2 “Friendly Encounters of the Canine Kind” 和陌生狗狗的邂逅
- Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦
- Photo Courtesy 鄭又綺
- Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦
- Teacher Carol! Courtesy 鄭又綺
- Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦
Design #2 “Friendly Encounters of the Canine Kind” 和陌生狗狗的邂逅”
Coming across a dog we might not know, we should approach slowly because we might frighten our new friends. A smile, slow movement, having small treats or toys with the OK from the owner, are some ideas. The doggy friend pictured is actually a Bulldog not a cat!
遇見陌生狗狗時, 我們要溫柔有耐心。因為他們容易受到驚嚇。一個微笑,輕緩的動作. 如果對方主人允許,也可以給牠們玩具和零食.(圖畫裡小朋友畫的是鬥牛犬不是貓!)
- Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦
- Carol deciding the size run
- With teacher Beryl Chang! Photo courtesy Jon Burke 白炯涵
- Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦
- 曾妤婕, Photo courtesy Jon Burke 白炯涵
- Personality here 張凌薇,Photo courtesy Jon Burke 白炯涵
Design #3 “Happy Dog = Happy Owner” 快樂狗派對 = 快樂狗主人
How will our furry friends be happy? Plenty of walks, exercise, games, healthy diet, regular checkups, and love are ways to ensure happiness. Pictured here is a party thrown for our friends that just came out of the doggy salon! Celebrated with music and a healthy treat!
如果讓狗狗開心呢? 常常陪牠散步,做運動,玩遊戲,健康的飲食,很多很多的愛都可以讓牠們很開心。
Cost: $790 NT / $25 USD per T-shirt (not including shipping). 價格: $790 NT / $25 USD 一件 (運費另計)
1. Pick the design you like and check the available sizes and colors here. 桃選圖案,檢查尺寸及顏色
2. Check the color options (there may be slight discrepancies) 顏色選擇
3. Ensure the size fits here 尺寸說明
4. Send an email to Due to limited supply, it’s best to provide alternatives in case your first choice is not available. We will get back on payment options. 寄信到, 我們會盡快回你的信。因為數量有限制,最好是多1-2件選擇。
All proceeds back to workshops and animal welfare organizations in Taiwan to assist our furry friends. The organization selected this time is Animals Taiwan. Adopt, don’t buy!
Teachers started off with a short story detailing the life of an abandoned dog and then broke into three small groups to discuss how, once a dog has been adopted, does one care for him. This included a healthy doggy diet, how to approach him, and also steps that should be taken to ensure a healthy environment. They drew out a few designs and the teachers began the first step of silkscreen printing to carefully transfer the kids designs onto transparent paper, then headed to the washroom (ad hoc dark room) to lay this under the exposure lamp to create the very specific mesh screen. Screens were stapled into the frames and ready for the T-shirts.
老師們先和孩子講述關於流浪狗的故事 ,隨後分組討論,領養流浪狗狗後該如何照顧。內容包含適合狗狗的食物及餵食方法,如何與狗狗互動還有如何營造一個讓狗狗健康生長的空間。孩子們將討論結果的故事轉化為紙上的圖畫,志工老師們隨後再將圖畫轉印到透明片上,在暗房中曝光製作印刷用絹版。最後每個孩子都可以將他們自己的設計印刷到T恤上,並了解他們的圖畫可以真正幫助到路上的流浪狗狗們。跟多訊息可以在這參考。
To read more about the workshop, please click here.
Teachers 老師: Fish Hsieh, Michelle Lin, Carol Lin, Beryl Chang
Volunteers 本次工作坊參與義工: Sophie Chang, 鄭又綺, Jeff Yang, Jonathan Burke, RV Lai, 蘇嘉琦
Silk Screen facilitator 絹印指導協助: Michelle Lin
Kitchen Table 料理桌提供: Sara Chien
Translator 中文翻譯: James Teng
Kids 小朋友: 羅柳樂優, 張凌薇, 何惠慈, 高韻如, 曾茹意, 黃葦薇, 曾巳棋, 曾妤婕, 賴 奕軒
Benefactors 支持人: Yuting Hung, Sara Chien, Michelle Lin, Carol Lin