我們很高興今年能參與 ATAYAL 的「神秘聖誕老人(Secret Santa)計畫」,共同為孩子們送上聖誕禮物。我們有大約 15 份來自清泉部落孩子們的心願清單!
如果您有興趣成為聖誕老人,請寄電子郵件至 info@brightside.tw 或臉書 https://m.me/brightside.tw,我們會把孩子的心願清單寄給您;請於 12/17 前將禮物送至指定地點或寄給我們,以便我們於 12/21 將禮物寄出.
- Email info@brightside.tw 或臉書 https://m.me/brightside.tw 指定 神秘聖誕老人計畫
- 您將會收到孩子的心願清單,內容包含 1-5 項物品,我們希望您能從中挑選 1 至 5 項物品來實現心願。每項物品的價值請保持在約 300-500 台幣以下。
- 我們非常注重環保,因此不一定要包裝禮物,您也可以用有節日氣息的袋子裝禮物(我們會儘可能重複利用包裝袋)。
- 請用標籤註明每件禮物的內容物與贈送對象,並歡迎附上卡片!
- 請於 12/17 前將禮物送至指定地點或寄給我們,以便我們於 12/21 將禮物寄出.
指定地點:預約時間 VegeTable café & dining 蔬桌 (信義安和/中小敦化) 或 新鮮烘培坊 (昆陽捷運站)
貨運地址:請洽 info@brightside.tw 或 https://m.me/brightside.tw
如果您願意捐款供我們購買禮物,每位孩子的贊助金額約為 800 台幣,此金額也包含邀請孩子共享熱騰騰的蔬食大餐;或者看看我們的心願清單,包含其他必需品及食品:brightside.tw/2016-winter-wishlist/
We are so excited to partner with ATAYAL’s Secret Santa Program this year for our Jia-Xin’s Toy Delivery. We have approximately 15 wishlists from kids in ChingChuan!
1. Email info@brightside.tw or Facebook https://m.me/brightside.tw requesting SECRET SANTA.
2. You will receive the child’s wishlist with 1-5 items, of which we hope you can fulfill 1-5 of the items. The value of each items should be around 300-500NT or less.
3. We are believers of being environmentally friendly so wrapping is an option or putting the gifts into one holiday themed colored bag is fine too (we will re-use when possible).
4. Please label each item carefully on what it is and who it’s for. Welcome to include a card on!
5. Before 12/17, courier your package to us (Hsindian) or arrange drop off at a designated time at VegeTable Restaurant (ZhongXiao Dunhua / XInyi AnHe MRT) or Fresh Bakery (KunYang MRT) before 12/17. Contact us at info@brightside.tw or Facebook https://m.me/brightside.tw
If you would like to donate funds for us to purchase the items, the sponsorship per child is approximately 800NT which includes inviting them to join us on a hot plant-based meal. Refer to our wishlist for other necessities and food staples: brightside.tw/2016-winter-
- 共需17位 / 還需15位神秘聖誕老人 (Need 15 more Secret Santas) 11%
神秘聖誕老人 Secret Santas
- Lulu Chandler
- Daisy Lin