
Over the course of several years, we have met so many different teachers and learned much. Bright Side stresses on the importance of a long term involvement in communities, so many of our kids in ChingChuan have been coming to our workshops for the past 3-4 years. We have seen them grow older and they likewise have seen us grow older! (MORE ENG BELOW)



謝謝Kaye Yuan 介紹我們認識傢櫥的朋友們,傢櫥是台灣質感傢具的代表,擁有最善良與無私奉獻的員工。整個合作過程中展現高度的專業與配合度。並且很大方的協助我們為課程材料把關,不使用任何動物性的副產品。(傢櫥之木質傢具皆使用含蜂蠟之天然植物保養精油,因為此次活動之需求,特別避免上此保養精油)感謝傢櫥慷慨的提供所有課程材料以及一群熱情又熱心的大朋友們 。

凡是嚮光的課程,決不會缺少美味餐桌。此次的美味午餐是由我們的私人主廚狄愛文(Even Di)精心準備。他在課程前天從食材開始從頭製作,直到半夜三點才完成。雖然馬鈴薯沙拉是他首度嘗試的成果,但美味一點也不打折扣。

午餐的食材則是我們減少食物浪費的夥伴Plants!所提供。感謝他們的慷慨大度以及創新發想,贊助這一次的美味餐桌!2017年有空記得多多到Plants! 的空間來,享用美味的植物性餐點,及看看我們和Plants!合作其他減少食物浪費的活動。

Because of the high frequency of repeat kids and Big Friends, we continue to strengthen the diversity of our workshop offerings. This year we rose to the challenge and found some wonderful woodcraft partners. This time we had passionate employees from MOODI WOOD lead and share the class with us, each child able to complete their own nail-less mini wooden stool to take home!

This was the first time for many of us to take up measuring and sawing on something for ourselves and was definitely hard work. We had so much fun though – empowering each person to piece together and build a functional, beautiful stool.

We were so proud of the team of Big Friend and child who worked side by side, alternating tasks! No one gave up and the result for all the effort they put in the long day was worth it. When we came back in November to spend time with kids, many of the MOODI WOOD workshop came back and said they were very happy with the class.

Thank you to Kaye Yuan for introducing us to MOODI WOOD, a high quality furniture creator based locally in Taiwan with some of the kindest employees. Professional and pleasant to collaborate with, they also kindly accommodated with our requests to keep all animal byproducts from materials (beeswax as polish). Thank you for your generosity in providing all the resources and enthusiastic Big Friends!

No part of a full Bright Side Projects workshop is complete without our Kitchen Table. The delicious food to be had was created by our private vegan chef Iven Di. Made from scratch starting the night before until 3 am the morning, pasta from scratch and Iven’s first and beautiful attempt at a potato salad.

The lunch portion was funded by our partner in reducing food wastage – Plants! The funding for this meal was sponsored by their generosity and innovative thinking. Look back to this space for more programs we will have going on regarding food wastage and plant-based meals in 2017.


老師 Teacher:洪伯昇 Sam Hang
攝影師 Photographer:蘇嘉琦, 鄭又綺
大朋友 Big Friends:吳妃琇, 廖述偉, 廖述宏, 郭芷含, 陳馨, 吳惠姿, Joan Fang, 林榮興, 廖述璿, Haichen Hsu, 狄艾文, 袁筱晴, 蔣麗珍, Rhea Chou
廚師 Chef:Iven Di
贊助者 Sponsors:
Kelly Lin​, Plants, Marco Julian Grishaber, 典十國際有限公, Tina Chen​, A Well-Fed World​, Anonymous Marathoner, RVenus Lai​, 傢式國際股份有限公司, 曜欐姐
特別感謝 Special Thanks:
吳妃琇, 林育宏​, 丁神父 Father Barry Martinson​, 桃山國小 蘇美娟, 袁筱晴 Kaye Yuan​, 曜欐姐,
您也可以贊助孩子,贊助我們!SUPPORT US!