Only 3 spots left. 只剩下三個位子!
在Santa Jia-Xin活動的支持下,這喜悅美妙的冬季裡,1/10我們將回到清泉,帶著滿滿的愛與孩子們,當天除了紮染TIEDYET恤外,Sophie Hsu會準備美味的素食餐點,和做蘋果棒棒糖。
Santa Jia-Xin will be supporting us on more fantastic winter fun as we head to ChingChuan on January 10th! We will be bringing love with us celebrate our 2.5 years anniversary in this community. Other than gifts from Jia-Xin and a delicious vegetarian feast to be prepared by Sophie Hsu, we will have an amazing tie-dye shirt day and make apple lollipops! Scroll to the end for English details.
- Courtesy Ken Photography
- Courtesy Ken Photography
- Courtesy Ken Photography
附帶一提:非常感謝的是,贊助者和Santa Jia-Xin除了提供支持外,他們其實給了我們建立一個持久友誼的機會。
目的:傳播Santa Jia-Xin的溫暖和愛給所有人,並且可以回饋。
時間:10:30 – 17:00(08:00從台北出發)
我們將了解到:Santa Jia-Xin和回饋社會、如何紮染、藝術創作,北美的習俗:不同的組織以及它們如何幫助台灣在地的社區。
材料費,曾經參與過的志工不需負擔,第一次參與的志工需負擔150元。這些材料費將用在您和孩子在紮染工作坊的材料以及美味的餐點上。另外Santa Jia-Xin會負擔部分的交通費用。
- 紮染活動要用到衣物,帶著你的白T恤、圍巾甚至是一雙襪子,最好是100%純棉的,紮染較有效果。
- 報名方式 (Maximum 13):
1. Read and register here: 發email後必須填
2. Email (at) 發EMAIL到 (at)
3. Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and if there is a spot for you.
4. Rideshare will be announced 7 days prior. 嚮光會跟你聯絡確認報名治療,共乘汽車方式課程7天前會再次做確認。
This year is also a very special year. Regardless of whether if it’s “the season” or whichever religion or culture one celebrates, giving is also very important and very empowering. Kids will select an organization that serves the local community to donate 1000NT to. These will be organizations that have previously supported us or ones we have worked with.
Beyond just the gifts that sponsors and supporters of Santa JiaXin provides, we want to thank them for giving us the opportunity to have have fun together and build a long lasting friendship.
List for organizations includes Taiwan Women’s Rescue Foundation, Animals Taiwan, and Harmony Home, 南洋臺灣姊妹會 TransAsia Sisters Association. If you have volunteered with us before you can also nominate your organization by sending the following information on or before December 12th, 2014 to (at) 100 word or less description of the registered organization,what they do for the community, website, attachment of 1-5 images. 5 of those sent in will be randomly selected and introduced.
Purpose: Spread Santa Jia-Xin’s warmth and love to all and also let others know to give back in turn.
Date: 1/10/2015
Location: TaoShan Youth Cultural Center in ChingChuan (East HsinChu)
Time: 10:30 – 17:00 (08:00 departures from Taipei)
Tasks: Tie dye station, arts & crafts, creating apple slice lollipops.
We will learn: Santa Jia-Xin and giving back to the community, how to tie dye, arts & crafts, North American custom of White Elephant Gift Exchange, different organizations and how they help local communities in Taiwan.
Material Fees are waived for return volunteers and just $150NT for those who want to join our family for the first time. Your fee goes to covering workshop tie-dye materials and a delicious holiday meal for yourself and the children. Transportation fees are partially covered courtesy of Santa Jia-Xin.
Friends need to bring:
- We will also be tie-dying! Bring your own white tshirt, scarf, or even a pair of socks! The material needs to be 100% natural (cotton, rayon) otherwise the tie-dye will not hold up very well.
How to sign up? 報名方式 (Maximum 13):
New volunteers have priority.
1. Read and register here: 發email後必須填
2. Email (at) 發EMAIL到 (at)
3. Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and if there is a spot for you.
4. Rideshare will be announced 7 days prior. 嚮光會跟你聯絡確認報名治療,共乘汽車方式課程7天前會再次做確認。