Sunteck Yao 姚尚德 ~ 野孩子肢體劇場
「野孩子」為肢體默劇表演者姚尚德於末日前一年在驚覺終於該為自己人生負責任後硬著頭皮所創立。「野孩子」期望從默劇肢體出發,試圖走出劇場空間,回歸在 地文化,以表演尋找與人及社會更深的互動。此外,更期望藉由開辦常態性的肢體工作坊及課程,培養對表演藝術有興趣的弱勢青少年人文修養及表演專長。
歡迎來自舊金山的Finn Cunningham加入我們的營養午餐料理團隊!
Finn Cunningham是位藝術家、鄉村農夫、作家和教育工作者。是Pie Ranch、Growing Home Community Garden和Free Farm等國際農作機構成員,也協助相關農作教育工作,擁有「廢水行動組織」(Greywater Action)的廢水處理專業執照。她也是源頭報社(Source Press)的創辦人之一,在提倡保護消費者之餘,致力於節能減碳推廣教育。
There will a few treats after the Lunar New Years. First of all, we will be continuing the course with the second part of the Artistic Expression through Body Motion workshop in ChingChuan. This time we have invited and we are so honored to have a new teacher Sunteck Yao on board along with our lovely Teacher Ichi Lin! Secondly, to enhance our neighborhood’s kitchen pantry, I have invited long-time friend and food justice activist Finn Cunningham (San Francisco) to consult our healthy lunch menu for the course.
Sunteck is a corporeal mime artist that spearheads L’Enfant Sauvage Physical Theatre. The theatre’s activities have captured hearts and creative minds of cities throughout Asia engaging in a stunning breadth of issues. Together with Teacher Ichi, we will follow onto the next level of observation, immersion, interaction, and expression with our bodies. This time we’re going to be inviting the adults of ChingChuan in for the ride as well!
Finn in her words, is “an artist, urban farmer, writer and educator. I have taught workshops on composting, fermenting, foraging, gardening and herbal remedies.” Look for our update on her menu and interview shortly!!
We need a musician! One who is MOBILE with guitar, drums, etc, that can add flourish to this fun workshop. Contact now, we barter course fees for your talents!
Date/Time: 2/23-24/2013 (Sat & Sun). Starts at 11:00 am on Saturday, ends at 2:30 pm on Sunday.
Location: Taoshan Youth Cultural Center in ChingChuan, Hsinchu
Purpose: We push through the usual conventional means of observation, interpretation, and expression by honing our senses to communicate in different ways with the body.
Children Will Learn: Observation of inanimate and animate objects; interaction with others; morphing self-awareness of their own body and movements.
老師 Lead Teachers: Ichi Lin 林奕其 & Sunteck Yao 姚尚德
營養顧問 Kitchen Pantry Consultant: Finn Cunningham
攝影師 Lead Photographers: 鄭又綺, 蘇嘉琦
Material Fees: $400 NT flat fee for volunteers. Includes covers course materials and lunch for both you and the children. Also includes boarding at the lovely Palm Tree B&B for those staying overnight (please bring your own sleeping bag and amenities). If you prefer your own private accommodations elsewhere the average cost is $400-$1000 per person.
Registration: Space is limited to 15 volunteers and only 7 slots remain! We need a person to shoot and edit video and also a musician that can play an instrument on the go such as a drum or guitar (we also barter material fees to be waived).
RSVP before 2/15 at brightside.tw@gmail.com
Please check this wonderful and informative link on various directions to/from ChingChuan. Class starts at 11:00 am Last bus down is 4:55 pm. There will be a meetup at Hsinchu HSR and a car up to ChingChuan but space is limited.
We need Benefactors!
If you are unable to make it we would also greatly benefit from your support. 300-500NT would support a kid’s workshop fee / 1000NT would support them through the entire course and we will also credit you on either Stop Motion Animation or our December Artistic Expression course! Contact for more details!
Facebook event here
日期 /時間:
二月23日(六) 11:00-17:00
二月24日(日) 11:30-14:30
地點: 新竹縣五峰鄉桃山村 桃山 活動中心
老師 Lead Teachers: Ichi Lin 林奕其 & Sunteck Yao 姚尚德
營養顧問: Finn Cunningham
攝影師 Lead Photographers: 鄭又綺, 蘇嘉琦
More details on Sunteck:
Sunteck Yao 姚尚德 ~ 野孩子肢體劇場
「野孩子」為肢體默劇表演者姚尚德於末日前一年在驚覺終於該為自己人生負責任後硬著頭皮所創立。「野孩子」期望從默劇肢體出發,試圖走出劇場空間,回歸在 地文化,以表演尋找與人及社會更深的互動。此外,更期望藉由開辦常態性的肢體工作坊及課程,培養對表演藝術有興趣的弱勢青少年人文修養及表演專長。
透過課程 我們希望讓山下的志工、老師們和山上的小朋友
透過密切直接的互動過程 用最直覺的身體和感官
結合材料 形狀 顏色
去經驗另一種 舞蹈(肢體運用) 的可能性 和邏輯
突破日常的界限 勾起他們對未知世界、文化的興趣
報名: 還有七位可以報名。我們目前還需求錄影/音樂家(吉他, 鼓手音樂家)
報名得2月15日前發EMAIL到 brightside.tw@gmail.com
We need Benefactors! 贊助也可以很簡單!
想幫忙但卻無法親身參與的朋友,可以贊助我們! 捐300-500元就可贊助一個孩子這次課程的費用;捐1000元可贊助一個孩子全程參與本計畫的費用,並且將會被列入 定格動畫課程或12月份 肢體生活營課程的影工作人員名單中 (https://brightside.tw/2013/01/06/stop-motion-animation-narrative-%E5%91%A8%E6%95%AC%E5%87%B1/ )
If you are unable to make it we would also greatly benefit from your support. 300-500NT would support a kid’s workshop fee / 1000NT would support them through the entire course and we will also credit you on either Stop Motion Animation or our December Artistic Expression course! Contact for more details!