不好意思!名額已滿! 麻煩等12月份的課程
Sorry, this workshop is full! Please wait for news on our December workshop!
The “Advocacy Through Art” series welcomes us to learn about a new world and empowers by kids channeling their artistic talents to make a positive impact on the world. Last time we created to raise awareness for our canine friends. This time we have a teacher that will strengthen kids ability to further refine the craft of the advocacy through one of our most fun workshops yet!
Date/Time 日期 / 時間:
11/30 (Saturday) 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
11月30日(六)上午10:30 - 下午 4:30
Location: Taoshan Youth Cultural Center in ChingChuan, Hsinchu
地點: 新竹縣五峰鄉桃山村 桃山青年文化中心
老師 Lead Teacher: Ivy Hsu
Purpose: Children will have a chance to learn about the world of promotion and advertising. They will learn to explore their creativity by seeing objects in a new way, highlight it, and be able to communicate a story to others about it artistically to change the world. Children will take this lesson into future Bright Side project workshops.
Age Group: 7-13
Maximum Capacity: Space is limited to 10 volunteers on a first come first serve basis.報名:10 位志工。麻煩11月19日前EMAIL brightside.tw@gmail.com
Kids will learn: Creativity, storytelling, teamwork, fundamentals and powers of advertising.
Volunteer Tasks: Help the kids create a campaign and burn brain and creativity calories!
Material Fees: $300,400,500 sliding scale for volunteers. What is a sliding scale? We understand that everyone’s circumstance is different and want to make the workshop accessible to everyone. Pitch in what you can!
Covers course materials for kids, and a delicious SALADAY lunch for both you and the children.
Saladay Lunch:
Saladay Sauce Caesar Salad
Main course: Seasonal veggie cheese penne pasta
Soup: Classic creamy corn soup主食:季節時蔬起司通心粉
11月費用 (不含交通)
志工可任選300, 400, 或500元投入本次活動基金。費用分級的用意在於我們希望讓這活動本身能讓更多志工參與,因此讓報名金額更有彈性。現在就告訴我們你的選擇吧!
熱湯:經典玉米濃湯 (
1. 麻煩11月19日前EMAIL brightside.tw@gmail.com Please send email to brightside.tw@gmail.com before November 19th 2013 to reserve your spot.
2. 填表格 Fill out form https://goo.gl/dX7wV5
3. 11月21日前確認報名及告知交通方式 Spot will be confirmed and other details will be provided by 11/21.
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/688281271183352/