Dream Big
Collaboration Wall Dan Cuenca x Haena Kang
Our intention was to create an aspirational piece that would bridge the left staircase’s message with the right. Both pieces stem from the notion of “living in the moment.” We also wanted to give appreciation to the geographical location of Taiwan, an island surrounded by aquatic beauty. Our piece brings elements of the sea, inland, and is our way of visually expanding their horizons.
By reminding the children to “Dream Big”, it’s our hope that they will always seek to transcend any hardships they may come across in life. With the support of friends and family, they can achieve anything they put their minds to.
Read more about Dan Cuenca and Haena Kang
Dan is part of our Build a Home Project, read more here and here
Dan 參加睦祥育幼院的夏日改造特別企畫,請點此 + 點此 看更多訊息。
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Photos courtesy Ken Photography