在與孩子的討論過程中,孩子提到喜歡在房內貼照片以及自己喜歡的海報,因此希望能將大大小小的回憶一起帶入新家中。此次設計將以模擬畫框以及相框的色塊 為主,畫出具空間感的小房子,將色塊裝飾在上,希望孩子能在入住後,在每個色塊框中貼上快樂的回 憶在新的房間並陪伴著他們長大。

“The kids mentioned that they love to put photos and their favorite posters on the wall and wanted to bring the happy memories from their current home into their new one. I created photo frames and color blocks directly onto the wall, like a 3D mini house. This way they can decorate the house as they wish. I hope they will be surrounded by their favorite visuals and good memories will accompany them as they grow up.”

Read more about 徐笠慈 Liz Hsu
Liz is part of our Build a Home Project, read more here and here
徐笠慈 參加睦祥育幼院的夏日改造特別企畫,請點此點此 看更多訊息。

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Photos courtesy Ken Photography and Chloe Wu