活動報告-2020/11/19 萬華 作伙呷菜 Kids in the Kitchen in Wanhua

活動報告-2020/11/19 萬華 作伙呷菜 Kids in the Kitchen in Wanhua

謝謝大家參與我們在萬華的第一場「作伙呷菜」!這次我們的全植主廚是萬華的孩子們,而副主廚是 Ooh Cha Cha 的創辦人與主廚 Mai Bach! Thank you all for joining our first Kids in the Kitchen in Wanhua! This time our plant-based head chefs were the kids in Wanhua and our sous chef was Ooh Cha Cha’s founder and head chef Mai...