by Bright Side Projects | Jun 17, 2015 | Arts & Craft, Earth & Greenery, Kitchen Table, Post Report, Youth
Today we switched between making vegan pizzas and creating wind chimes from recycled items! As part of a mini It’s A Vegan Affair event, a few of us had learned to make pizzas and wanted to share our newfound skills with others. SONY DSC SONY DSC SONY DSC SONY DSC...
by Bright Side Projects | Sep 4, 2014 | Advocacy Through Art, Arts & Craft, BuildAHome
航向遠方的番薯人 Sailing Towards the Horizon “我在育幼院的作品是以整間教室的配置為出發點,所以沒有畫滿,以一面墻的船為主題,其他搭配適當的顏色色塊,和一些角色(番薯人)的點綴。 船的構想來自於”航向遠方”,每個人都希望自己的未來更好,包含我自己,所以也希望育幼院小朋友未來更好,用一艘航向遠方的船,來表現我的想法,也是我對小朋友們的祝福。” “My work at the children’s home room has consideration for...
by Bright Side Projects | Sep 3, 2014 | Advocacy Through Art, Arts & Craft, BuildAHome
貓咪們 The Cats 貓咪是許多人精神的慰藉,也是能夠默默聆聽與陪伴在主人身邊的動物,那天跟小朋友討論時得知她們也都蠻喜歡貓咪的,不過貓咪不免有點陰沉的形象,所以我打算用豐富的色彩,企圖讓畫面輕鬆又可愛,顏色的彩度及亮度也盡量溫和,這樣待在房間裡才不會壓力太大。 “Felines stay near our sides, observing and listening to us. They often serve as source of comfort for their human companions. During...
by Bright Side Projects | Sep 3, 2014 | Advocacy Through Art, Arts & Craft, BuildAHome
現實與夢境交錯的晨間 Staggering Between Reality and the Dreamworld “早晨起床的時候,都希望今天能是美好的一天,要是做了一個美夢睜開眼睛看到柔和的顏色比較不會有起 床氣。這是我印象中美夢的顏色,將運用簡單色塊區隔出空間感, 把小泡泡或一些令人愉快的元素放進空間裡。” “Waking up in the morning, I hope for everyone to start off with a beautiful day. So I wanted...