by Bright Side Projects | Jun 28, 2014 | Body & Movement, Post Report, Sports, Youth, Yummy Foods
It’s all very selfish, really. A day comprised of deliriously happy “moments” is what I demanded and that is exactly what was delivered in this double section workshop with Teacher Mei and basketball session with Coach Mohan. The joyous smiles, laughter, and overall...
by Bright Side Projects | May 16, 2014 | Body & Movement, Event Call-Out, Youth, Yummy Foods
一趟透過遊戲,舞蹈,瑜珈,音樂的身體探索旅程,開啓肢體潛能與發揮創意,表達自我,發現不一樣的自己。是的!我們都比想象中更棒而且也是獨一無二同時的。真心期待你們的到來!! A day’s journey through games, dance, yoga and music await us in ChingChuan. When we begin to explore non-verbal methods to express ourselves, we might again come to realize a...
by Bright Side Projects | May 16, 2014 | Body & Movement, The Neighborhood
王若湄 Mei Wang 小時候因為好動被鋼琴老師建議去學跳舞,舞齡20年,國內外演出經驗豐富,同時間也從事舞蹈教學。近年來將重心轉移至瑜珈練習與教學,並且努力探索舞蹈與瑜珈的樂趣與好處,從中分享,體驗與交流! 來認識我們的NEIGHBORHOOD! 王若湄6月15日的課程POST REPORT: 20 years full of rich domestic and international dance experience was instigated by the fate of...