by Bright Side Projects | Oct 21, 2014 | Advocacy Through Art, Arts & Craft, BuildAHome, Highlight, Post Report
After working tirelessly and only with several official “work dates” on the project site, creators completed the beautification of a new home. We hosted a BBQ so each person could introduce the masterpieces to the kids of MuHsiang. This was the first time all the kids...
by Bright Side Projects | Oct 21, 2014 | Advocacy Through Art, Arts & Craft, BuildAHome, Post Report
After working tirelessly and only with several official “work dates” on the project site, creators completed the beautification of a new home. We hosted a BBQ so each person could introduce the masterpieces to the kids of MuHsiang. This was the first time all the kids...
by Bright Side Projects | Oct 21, 2014 | Advocacy Through Art, Arts & Craft, Body & Movement, BuildAHome, Post Report, Seasonal Specials, Youth
It has been an exhilarating ride as people rallied together to beautify and build a home for the children of MuHsiang. Just as integral as each of the kids were to the gorgeous creations of the rooms, were those who provided their time and resources during the summer....
by Bright Side Projects | Sep 22, 2014 | Advocacy Through Art, Arts & Craft, BuildAHome
在與孩子的討論過程中,孩子提到喜歡在房內貼照片以及自己喜歡的海報,因此希望能將大大小小的回憶一起帶入新家中。此次設計將以模擬畫框以及相框的色塊 為主,畫出具空間感的小房子,將色塊裝飾在上,希望孩子能在入住後,在每個色塊框中貼上快樂的回 憶在新的房間並陪伴著他們長大。 “The kids mentioned that they love to put photos and their favorite posters on the wall and wanted to bring the happy memories from...
by Bright Side Projects | Sep 22, 2014 | Advocacy Through Art, Arts & Craft, BuildAHome
歡樂烘培坊 / YAY Bakery 上次和小朋友畫畫時,他們很喜歡零食小點心。我配合之前的作品,幫他們用溫暖的色系畫一個舒服、開心、甜蜜的房間。每個不同個性的角色就好像來自不同背景的小朋友們,在這裡一起成長,好比烘培坊: 揉麵、發酵、進烤箱,之後一隻隻變成可愛又可口的麵包。 While painting with the kids during our first meeting, I found out that they all love sweets and snacks. So after a few...