活動報告 – 2018/11/18 新馬蘭部落原住民文化 X 墨西哥鬼節純素餅乾 Culture Taitung

活動報告 – 2018/11/18 新馬蘭部落原住民文化 X 墨西哥鬼節純素餅乾 Culture Taitung

是不是能夠做得更多?是我們每一次課程前總在思考的。如何做到在課程中融入更多的不同元素,來增添孩子視界的色彩。所以我們這次去到台東,可是備足了行囊,要帶給偶爾才能見一次的孩子們豐富的一天!Today was an eye-opener for us; we have always wanted to learn more about the culture of the kids and were so keen to not only lead a quick course on how death is honored in...
活動報告: 2017 6/10 台東兒童培力金工營-如果我是機器人 Metalsmith in Taitung

活動報告: 2017 6/10 台東兒童培力金工營-如果我是機器人 Metalsmith in Taitung

Share 每次見到台東孩子熟悉的笑容總是令人感到開心,這次下來和孩子們一起學習基礎金工技巧,我們和孩子們都一樣感到無比興奮! It’s always a treat to see the familiar faces of the youth in Taitung and having picked up some beginner metalsmith skills to share with the kids was as fun for them as it was for us! (ENGLISH BELOW)...
Project Wrap Up: 2015 11/15 Jia-Xin’s Winter Solstice TaiTung 冬日慶典(新馬蘭Fukid部落)

Project Wrap Up: 2015 11/15 Jia-Xin’s Winter Solstice TaiTung 冬日慶典(新馬蘭Fukid部落)

Jia-Xin的冬日慶典活動第一站始於台東,在這個活動邁入第四年之際,我們很幸運能過把Jia-Xin 和支持她的朋友們的暖意及慷慨散佈到台灣更多角落。 We began the first leg of our journey for Jia-Xin’s Winter Solstice in Taitung. In our fourth year, we were so blessed to be able to spread the warmth and generosity of Jia-Xin and her...