by Bright Side Projects | Dec 9, 2013 | The Neighborhood
YiFan Chen 怡帆 怡帆過去都教他的學生如何準備作品集和Idea book,並且幫助學生申請上美國知名大學. 他是動畫師, 藝術家和產品設計師. Yifan (Yvonne) used to teach her students how to prepare their own portfolio and make the idea book for applying to top colleges in the States and Canada. She is an animator, general artist...
by Bright Side Projects | Nov 14, 2013 | The Neighborhood
許芳宜 Ivy Hsu 和知名舞蹈家同名,好處是在網路的世界保有隱私,幾乎google不到。還有遞名片的時候,玩玩觀察對方藝文涉獵程度的小遊戲。沒有壞處。 1979年秋天出生,喜歡電影和閱讀,創意這兩個字和從小就不怕上台拿麥克風講話的膽量一樣,天生就有一些,但努力想做到更好。 英文名字叫Ivy是因為小時候英文很爛,名字太長會背不起來,所以老師好心賞了三個字母的洋名。 Sharing the same name [許芳宜] as a famous dancer has a myriad of benefits. Privacy is...
by Bright Side Projects | Sep 9, 2013 | The Neighborhood
Niu Chun Chiang 牛俊強 1983年生於屏東台灣。畢業於國立台北藝術大學科技藝術研究所。曾參與鹿特丹國際影展短片競賽、美國Pixilerations新媒體藝術展、西班牙 Aguilar影展、法國Tours亞洲電影節、法國ARTchSO錄像藝術節、北京夏日數位娛樂節、澳門VAFA藝術節、韓國亞洲學生及年輕藝術家藝術 節、兩岸四地藝術交流計劃、台北金馬影展、台北美術獎、台灣國際錄像藝術展、台北數位藝術節與台北電影節等國內外展覽。 Born in 1983, Niu Chun-chiang graduated with...
by Bright Side Projects | Jul 11, 2013 | The Neighborhood
Clint Siu Clint has always been fascinated by arts and media, especially filmmaking. It’s the combination of art and science that has led him into the focus of visual effects. And it’s use of technical aspects to create beautiful images that has compelled...
by Bright Side Projects | Apr 22, 2013 | The Neighborhood
謝小魚 Fish Hsieh 心裡永遠住著一個喜歡說"哼"的小女孩, 她總是比大人們更能了解小朋友的心事。 愛畫畫 / 愛手作 / 愛說故事。 There is definitely a little girl living within her heart. This is why she always knows kids’ mind better than the adults do. She loves to illustrate and make stuff by her hands, also tell...