(ENGLISH BELOW) 今年台灣嚮光協會的 Jia Xin 冬日慶典的活動到我們的「年度送禮到(新竹)清泉鄉」的時刻,所有活動也到達最歡樂的時候。每年的這個時候我們會將協會捐款者的愛心轉換成對清泉有需要的家庭的物資。協會也秉持愛人愛鄉愛地球的信念提供有品質的全素健康食物。
十二月二十三日一早,兩輛載滿物資的車子在開了兩小時候抵達新竹清泉部落的桃源國小和老師們會合。老師將會跟協會一同去送物資到小朋有家中。今年的聖誕老人由協會好朋友 Elizabeth 擔任:E 小姐帶上墨鏡表現熱帶聖誕老人的地域樣貌,並將 JIa-Xian 溫暖的友誼訊息連同精心包裝好的禮物分送給清泉的孩子們。此時,看到孩子們的熱情與欣喜綻放的笑臉,過去一年為了達成目標的辛苦都值得了!
收到禮物的孩子中,許多在先前有參加過嚮光協會在部落辦的工作坊。今年我們也加入幾個新的孩子到禮物名單中,希望他們在 2016 年會有機會一起來嚮光的活動。我們一月十九日的工作坊要邀請大小朋友們一起來透過親手做手作布偶的活動來學習關心地球與環保。對協會而言,話時間跟孩子相處的過程是最重要,也最有意義的事。我們希望孩子們在創造自己的禮物時也能帶給自己力量,相信自己可以創造自己的未來。
我們今年的禮物小天使:陳如分,Elizabeth Lee, 仲凡閻。
還有我們所有的資助者,特別是在幫我們達到最後募款目標所需的一萬元台幣的 Summer Lin。謝謝SOLIS公司贊助的背包送給孩子!睡袋,籃球(KAREN YANG), 鞋子(ANONYMOUS)。我們能夠提供苑里的有機米,透過「直接向小農購買」買到米香,柚子點心,還有 Fresh Bakery 的麵包,等等。
也謝謝Debbie (BFF!), Nobi 跟 Tiffany 熬夜到清晨 4.30 分,幫忙將禮物包裝。
The culmination of our Winter Solstice Jia Xin 冬日慶典 this year came to a peak with our annual gift and necessities delivery to ChingChuan. This part of the year end activities transporting basic necessities to families was where a huge portion of our donations went to since we were set on providing quality and healthy plant-based foodstuffs.
After the two-hour journey up to ChingChuan in two cars filled with items, we stopped Taoshan Elementary school to meet up with the teachers would be heading out on the journey with us. Our good friend Elizabeth donned the Santa outfit complete with sunglasses and began to spread the story of Jia-Xin’s warmth and handed over beautifully packaged gifts. Seeing the joy in the children’s faces have made all the obstacles we’ve experienced in the past year all worth it.
Many of the children have participated in Bright Side Projects workshops previously and we also included a few new faces and hope that they join us in 2016! Our workshop this Saturday 1/9 invites the kids and all others to join us to learn about the environment and compassion through creation of fabric dolls and mandalas. Spending time together is important and very meaningful to us. We hope to empower kids to create their own gifts, their own future.
Our gifting elves, Rufen Cheng, Elizabeth Lee, 仲凡閻。
All of our sponsors, especially Summer Lin who fulfilled the last 10,000NT required.We had amazing new backpacks from SOLIS to gift to kids this year and feel so blessed! These were stuffed with sleeping bags, basketballs (Karen Yang), shoes (Anonymous), etc. We were able to provide organic rice from YuanLi, crackers and pomelo snacks through Buy Direct From Farmers, bread from Fresh Bakery, etc.
Thank you Debbie (BFF!), Nobi, and Tiffany for staying up till 4:30 am the morning of to beautifully wrap the childrens’ gifts!
—- December 15th —- $5425 USD /175,388 台幣 = 100%
1. Jeremy & Tracie Rosenberg – $150 USD / 4,900 台幣 2. Native Footwear (Jet Sunny) – $100 USD / 3,200 台幣 3. Robbie Cheng (Kaye Yuan) – $150 USD / 5,000 台幣 4. Yuting Hung – $500 USD / 16,100 台幣 5. Anonymous (J.) – $200 USD / 6,300 台幣 6. Sarah McDonald – $18 USD / 580 台幣 7. Ann Lin – $60 USD / 2,000 台幣 8. Mimi Yang – $15 USD / 480 台幣 9. Lulu Chandler – $300 USD / 9,600 台幣 10. Evance Chan – $60 USD / 2,000 台幣 11. S.M. Kindersley – $22 USD / 718 台幣 12. Alicia Gilby – $18 USD / 580 台幣 13. Steve Rosenberg – $360 USD / 11,600 台幣 14. China Sieger – $35 USD / 1140 台幣 15. Zaida Lou Stillman – $26 USD / 800台幣 16. Jeff Yang – $30 USD / 1,000台幣 17. Derek Chu – $60 USD / 2,000 台幣 18. Janet Lin – $610 USD / 20,000台幣 19. Sharon and Bruce Ramsay Curtis – $73 USD / 2,300台幣 20. Grammy & Grampy – $73 USD / 2,300台幣 21. Julia Gu – $150 USD / 5,000台幣 22. 吳倩瑩 – $30 USD / 1,000台幣 23. Søren Glasius – $36 USD / 1170 台幣 24. Ou Li – $20 USD / 650 台幣 25. Anonymous (J. Lin) – $610 USD / 20,000台幣 26. Marc Pauze – $18 USD / 560 台幣 27. Kim Liao – $60 USD / 2,000 台幣 28. 郭佳柔 – $90 USD / 3,000 台幣
29. Laura Bryer – $18 USD / 560 台幣 30. Dedra Chamberlin – $18 USD / 560 台幣 31. Tina Chen – $90 USD / 3,000 台幣 32. Kelly Lin – $90 USD / 3,000 台幣 33. 陳韋廷 – $60 USD / 2,000 台幣 34. Anon 39059 永豐 – – $30 USD / 1,000台幣 35. Anon 07328 中信銀 – $90 USD / 3,000 台幣 36. Scott and Megan MacDonald – $18 USD / 560 台幣 37. Rhonda Gilby – $73 USD / 2,300台幣 38. Liza Milne – $30 USD / 1,000台幣 39. Kristina Kraft – $25 USD / 640 台幣 40. Anonymous (A.M) $30 USD / 1,000台幣 41. Amber Wheatley – $18 USD / 560 台幣 42. Anonymous – 00100035 $27 USD / 900 台幣 43. Absolutely Fabulashes – $300 USD / 9,600 台幣 44. Jessalyn Coombe – $29 USD / 940 台幣 45. Paul Tenk- $54 USD / 1,700 台幣 46. Terry & Guylaine Furness – $14 USD / 450 台幣 47. Sam Green 48. Rowan Green 49. Oliver Green 50. Jonathan and Gemma Green 51. Anonymous 52. Karen Munro – $18 USD / 560 台幣 53. Jeff, Janet & Baby Morgan Robinson – $55 USD /1,780 台幣 ($155 USD / 5000 台幣 54. Sabrina Sutherland – $9 USD / 300 台幣 55. Summer Lin 林有慧 – $300 USD /10,000 台幣