街坊人物專訪| Rosa Posso

嚮光協會的活動不僅旨在服務青年兒童,也十分重視與大朋友建立友誼互動。我們很高興有機會向大家介紹協會內一位很棒的志願者朋友Rosa! Rosa非常專注於投入我們的所有活動,活動過程中她全程投入於參與孩子們的生活,以及深深融入於不同的文化活動中。

Daisy: 您是在何時、如何發現嚮光協會?又是什麼令您想要參與其中?
Rosa: 我是在2019年的聖誕時節發現嚮光協會的。逢假期的緣故,我決定找一些可以在寒假期間參加的,有關文化的、志工服務型的,或是一些好玩的活動。在我瀏覽臉書時,偶然見到《為愛而創意:歡慶聖誕薑餅人派對》,一個在台北舉辦的活動。閱覽了活動內容後,我十分感興趣,因為能夠初次製作薑餅人,也因為這是在台灣度過長假的初體驗。雖然我不擅長烹飪,我也和小朋友一起生出了獨一無二的作品——我們的薑餅人是用愛和心意製成的。實際上,聖誕節是一個向我們所愛之人、朋友,和家人表達我們的情感和愛意的最佳時機。我們有那麼多的愛能夠給予他人,而付出得越多,收穫也會越多。

D: 經過數次參與嚮光協會的工作坊,您覺得自己與孩子的互動有什麼改變嗎?
R: 在第一個工作坊 ——《為愛而創意:歡慶聖誕薑餅人派對》中,我觀察並學習該如何與孩子交流。由於在這些創意教程中需要用到中英雙語,語言的隔閡成了我的劣勢。儘管如此,我仍然能夠以其他方式,像是肢體語言,來向孩子傳達我的訊息。在第二個工作坊——《木製鳥屋》中,我有機會和桃山活動中心的孩子互動。他們真的很可愛、溫柔,也好好笑。這次的工作坊是我覺得最具挑戰性的。當一天的木匠是個全然的新體驗。我不僅是學會了木刻,也和孩子一起認識了台灣本土的鳥種。在第三個工作坊——《LINE心情貼圖製造機 藝術治療培力營》中,我必須說孩子們真的有無限的想像力。他們的創作使我感到喜悅歡欣。他們製作了很棒的LINE貼圖。他們的畫作以獨特的方式表達了人們不同的表情和情緒。而最後一個工作坊——《皮納塔歡慶派對》是場盛大的慶典,我和孩子們唱著皮納塔之歌,協助他們完成皮納塔這玩意兒,一起度過了美好的時光。事實上,唯有花時間深入認識彼此,才能建立真正的友誼。

R:這是一個艱難的問題,因為我參與過的所有工作坊很棒!在我看來,清泉的piñata慶典是目前最好玩有趣的。Piñata是在一個經過裝飾的盒體中放入小小的玩具和糖果,吊掛在高處,讓蒙眼的孩子把盒體打壞。在我的國家秘魯,我們會在小孩的生日派對上用piñata慶祝,因此這使我回憶起我的童年。我非常喜歡看孩子創造屬於他們自己的piñata,以及他們嘗試一擊打壞piñata時的歡愉。我也在他們擊打piñata時,介紹了傳統歌謠<Rompe la Piñata>。我們度過了非常美好的時光!

D: 有哪些難忘的時刻能與我們分享嗎?

D: 您為何決定繼續參與我們的工作坊呢?


D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?
R :我衷心期許孩子們都健康、平安,且對生命中的小事抱有感恩之心。既然無人知曉未來為我們預備了什麼,那就讓我們一起為所有人建立一個更好的將來——一個由善意引領著成長、機會,和安全的將來。總的來說,有機會接觸台灣本土社群,並和這些美好的人建立關係,是無價之寶!也許我不是最有能力、最富有,而能帶給全世界巨大影響的人,但我仍然為自己能夠帶給他們正面影響而感到快樂。非常感謝!感恩大家!


NEIGHBORHOOD INTERVIEW|Rosa Carolina Posso Castañeda

We loved having Rosa as one of our new Big Friend volunteers this year! From getting to know us in our Taipei Create for Love event, she made the effort to get to know and eventually, fall in love with our Bright Side kids through Taiwan. 

Daisy:  How and when did you find out about Bright Side Projects and what made you want to get involved?
Rosa: I found out about Bright Side Projects during the Christmas season in 2019. Since it was the holiday season, I decided to search for some cultural activities, volunteering services or any interesting events that I can join during the winter break. When I was looking through my Facebook news feed and scrolling the timeline, I came across with the event 《為愛而創意:歡慶聖誕薑餅人派對》Create for Love: Christmas Gingerbread Party in Taipei. As soon as I read the content of the Gingerbread Party, I found it really interesting because I was excited to make a gingerbread cookie for the first time and experience the holiday season in Taiwan. Even though I’m not a pro at cooking, I was able to create unique masterpieces with the children. All of our cookies were made with all our love and affection. Christmas is the perfect time to express our feelings and love to our beloved ones, friends and family. We have so much love to give, and the more we give, the more we receive.

D: How do you feel your interaction with the children has changed over the time you have been joining our workshops?
R: From the first workshop 《為愛而創意:歡慶聖誕薑餅人派對》I could observe and learn how to communicate with the children. Since I need to use either English or Chinese in the creative education sessions, the language barrier is a downside for me. However, I can still use other methods such as body language to deliver my messages to them. From the second workshop 《木製鳥屋》Miniature Birdhouses in ChingChuan, I had the chance to interact with the children from Taoshan Elementary school. They’re truly adorable, gentle and so hilarious. This workshop was the most challenging I’ve ever been to. Trying to be a woodcraft artisan for a day was a completely new experience. I not only learned about wood carving, but also, I learned about Taiwanese local birds with talented kids.

From the third workshop 《LINE心情貼圖製造機 藝術治療培力營》creating LINE stickers through art therapyI have to say that the children have borderless imagination. I was quite amused and delighted by their creations. They created wonderful LINE stickers; their drawings expressed different people’s emotions and feelings in a unique way. The last workshop《皮納塔歡慶派對 Pinata Celebration》was such a big celebration, I had a great time with the children sharing with them a Piñata song and assisting them making the Piñata toy. It’s all about spending time together and getting to know each other better, so we can build a real friendship.

D: What has been your favorite workshop and why?
R: This is a tough question because all the workshops I have been to were amazing! From my point of view, Piñata Celebration in ChingChuan was the most exciting and amusing workshop so far. Piñata is a decorated figure containing small toys and sweets that is suspended from a height and broken open by blindfolded children. In my country, Peru, we use the Piñata to celebrate children’s birthday party, so it brought backl memories of my childhood. I did love watching the children how they created their own Piñatas and how cheerful they were trying to break the Piñata in one hit. I also introduced the traditional song “Rompe la Piñata” while they were hitting the Piñata. We had a blast!

D: Are there any memorable moments you can share with us?
R: I think the workshop Create for Love: Christmas Gingerbread Party was so lovely and magical! Even though I’m not good at cooking, I did enjoy making gingerbread with the children. I tried my best to make the most beautiful gingerbread, however it ended up looking pretty ugly and quite scary. But n matter how ugly my gingerbread was, it was incredibly sweet inside because I put all my love and effort into it. Moreover, I designed a heart shape Christmas card for the children and I wrote down my thoughts and feelings about this meaningful holiday. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It’s time for caring, sharing and giving love to each other. So, last Christmas, I gave the children my heart.

D: Why have you decided to continue to join our workshops?
R: Foremost, I’m passionate to get involved in different cultural activities/programs such as creative education sessions, volunteering services, summer camps and so forth. Without doubt, Bright Side Projects’ workshops are incredible! They have amazing ideas about craftivities, they do come up with cool ideas for preparing tasty plant-based meals, as well as they make their workshops truly fun so there’s no time to be bored! The main reason I decided to continue to join their workshops is due to I aim to potential my cultural awareness and language skills. Moreover, I want to be able to adapt myself to a variety of new environments, and have the chance to mingle with people from different mindsets. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone, so why not try something you haven’t done before? As the old saying goes, nothing ventured, nothing gained!

D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
R : I truly hope the children stay healthy, safe and be grateful for the little things in life. Since no one knows what the future has in store for us, let’s try to build a better future for all of us; a future of growth, opportunity, and security, anchored by the values of people whose heart is good. Overall, having the chance to be involved in Taiwanese communities and building bonds with amazing people were priceless! I may not be the most powerful and rich person to make a big impact in the whole world, but I’m glad to make a positive impact in THEIR world. Thank you so much! ¡Muchas gracias! 感恩大家! I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Be sure to join us as a Big Friend volunteer to get to know the kids!


Rosa Posso

Rosa Posso

大朋友 Big Friend


[活動報告]:2023/10/14動動圖萬聖派對(苗栗)Miaoli Animation Hell-o-ween Party

[活動報告]:2023/10/14動動圖萬聖派對(苗栗)Miaoli Animation Hell-o-ween Party

大家都閱讀過南港萬聖節的活動報告了嗎?是不是覺得意猶未盡呀!►更多活動照片 More images: https://reurl.cc/ZyEq2g►動動圖傳送門 Artworks:https://reurl.cc/8NRbVb嚮光萬聖節課程第二彈來到『苗栗幼安教養院』,這次除了猜謎和恐怖箱遊戲,我們特別安排『繪畫任務』,並且現場製作成『動圖』喔!讓我們往下看當天的活動報告吧!✔︎了解萬聖節為了讓課程更貼近生活,我們在 PPT...

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[作品分享] 2023/9/9 【藝術,讓愛發聲】穿越景框,讓愛顯影 Paws & Pixels Ⅲ

[作品分享] 2023/9/9 【藝術,讓愛發聲】穿越景框,讓愛顯影 Paws & Pixels Ⅲ

#萬華孩子#攝影作品分享 大家是不是非常期待看到 台灣社區實踐協會的孩子幫狗狗拍攝的照片,以及攝影任務的成果呢?嚮光終於從孩子們海量的照片中,挑選出精華中的精華。 萬華的孩子們真的很有藝術天份~每張都很有個性喔! Let’s enjoy the photography works of Wanhua children together ! ▶︎更多活動照片more images :https://reurl.cc/My0WDp ▶︎完整活動報告complete postreport:https://reurl.cc/3eY71V...

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[活動報告]:2023/10/14 樂齡恐怖箱萬聖派對(南港) Hell-o-ween Horror Box Party

[活動報告]:2023/10/14 樂齡恐怖箱萬聖派對(南港) Hell-o-ween Horror Box Party

萬聖節派對不只是孩子的活動,嚮光也把萬聖節氣氛帶給南港的樂齡,有點恐怖,卻充滿歡笑,一起來看當天的活動報告吧!這場「恐怖箱萬聖派對」是特別為樂齡設計,我們準備了猜謎遊戲、恐怖箱、裝扮道具和純植派對點心,最後在和他們一起製作精美的「長輩圖」,讓他們可以將快樂分享給朋友。更多活動照片more images :...

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[活動報告]:2023/09/02 拳擊課程 (桃園)ⅡFuture Boxing Champions Training

[活動報告]:2023/09/02 拳擊課程 (桃園)ⅡFuture Boxing Champions Training

大家還記得第一場拳擊課程嗎?由於孩子們熱烈的反應,嚮光為他們舉行了第二堂拳擊課程!這次除了拳擊教練安德烈·特雷雷 Andre Terere,他還帶了 Ant Gym 的教練 Tabosa 一起帶領孩子再次進入拳擊的世界。 兩位擁有豐富的訓練和比賽經驗,告訴我們只要好好訓練,保持熱情與毅力,拳擊或是其他運動都有可能帶著我們到更多地方! 更多活動照片more images : ...

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[活動報告]:2023/9/9 【藝術,讓愛發聲】穿越景框,讓愛顯影 paws & pixels Ⅲ

[活動報告]:2023/9/9 【藝術,讓愛發聲】穿越景框,讓愛顯影 paws & pixels Ⅲ

嚮光第三次與 Mary's Doggies(瑪莉愛狗動物協會)攜手合作。我們希望透過本次活動,讓都市小孩可以克服對流浪狗的恐懼,同時也讓曾經流浪街頭或受過傷的狗狗們熟悉孩子們的陪伴與互動,有助於適應日後的認養家庭。 更多活動照片more images : https://reurl.cc/My0WDp 孩子們的攝影作品kids’s photography results:https://reurl.cc/L6mera 活動當天上午,嚮光先抵達...

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