丰子甜點是將藝術與熱情融合得最完美的美食,我們知道在如此美味的甜點作品背後,一定是非常棒的創作者,但在認識並與 Florian 和他的夥伴 Marie 一同工作之後,我們仍然非常的驚訝,也萬分高興地在他們身上發現了與嚮光極為相似的精神!看見他們是如何全心全意投入在甜點料理,更能夠無私地與我們的孩子及大朋友們分享,我們真的非常高興能遇見這麼契合的夥伴!
Panoramix Project is the perfect gastronomic marriage between art and passion. We knew that behind the succulent masterpieces would be amazing creators but we were still blown away after meeting and working with Florian and his partner Marie, finding kindred spirits! We love how they have dedicated themselves to their craft and were able to share this with not just our youth but our Big Friends.
Daisy: How did you come to collaborate with Bright Side Projects this time? If you were introduced via mutual friends, what led you to the decision to work with us?
Panoramix Project: A friend introduced Bright Side Projects to us. We have always been aware of environmental protection and gender equality issues and recently had also developed some vegan desserts, and realized our values were in sync with the mission of Bright Side Projects. It is our honor to have the opportunity to cooperate with Bright Side Projects!
D: Is there any part of Bright Side Project’s mission statement or ethos that in particular spoke to you? Why do you feel that it spoke to you and why is it important?
P: What impresses us is that Bright Side’s support for underserved children is continuous and on a long-term basis, this dedication is very rare to see. The other is the respect for privacy and physical/body autonomy, which absolutely requires one to start this education outreach at an early age.
D: Was there anything that stood out when working with Bright Side Projects during the planning and execution of the workshop that was different from other organizations (non-profit and for-profit)? That would make you consider working with us again in the future?
P: What stood out was Bright Side’s pre-event training for teachers and volunteers, the agreement signed before the workshop, educating and providing actual steps on how to help the environment, and respect gender and autonomy of children.
During the event, we can feel that Bright Side activities requires active participation of children, so that learning is not only a one way street. Youth are not simply receivers of the information but through engagement, are able to establish their sense of responsibility and self-confidence. We definitely agree with this principle.
D: Did you have any prior experiences working with children? How did this experience with Bright Side shape or change your perspective? Any special moments that were especially memorable with the kids or stories to share that touched you?
P: We had no experience working or teaching children in the past. Before the workshop we asked ourselves several questions. Do we need to adjust the content of the workshop? Do we need to adjust our attitude to the audience? In the end our answer was to treat and interact with children as if they are independent adults. While we are learning by having fun, the more somber and perhaps serious part of the lesson should be maintained. However, the adjustments are that we must be psychologically prepared to require more patience and detailed explanations and demonstrations.
We recognized that the purpose of this workshop is to open up children’s imagination about the possibility of future career development, and it is necessary to convey the details and facts entailing this career choice.We are grateful for Bright Side providing this opportunity for us, so that we can share our passion and knowledge. We also look forward to other opportunities to cooperate with Bright Side in the future.
D: Thank you for taking the time to share your professional skills with Bright Side Youth under our Brighter Futures workshop. You have not only opened their eyes to a world they might not have known but planted the seeds for a potential career path, making a positive impact on childrens’ lives! How do you feel/ any thoughts you would like to share with us?
P: We are grateful for Bright Side providing this opportunity for us, so that we can share our passion and knowledge. We also look forward to other opportunities to cooperate with Bright Side in the future.
D: Do you have any advice for those who want to make a difference in the world?
P: We tell ourselves this all the time: “Just do it! Don’t give up any opportunity to make a difference, even if the change you made seems extremely small or feels slow.”
D: Any words for the children?
P: Our words to the kids would be to maintain an open mind and enthusiasm for learning, so that you will have the opportunity to find a way out when encountering challenges or difficulties.
Welcome to join in our events!
丰子甜點 Panoramix Project
溥丰詠 Florian Bourquin
瑞士藉的Florian自16歲投身法式甜點領域,至今已近20年。曾經擔任世界頂級品牌Pierre Marcolini的甜點主廚,2015年Florian來台為LVMH集團下的甜點品牌COVA設立旗艦據點,感受到台灣市場的潛力,於2016年創立自有品牌 –丰子 Panoramix Project,從事專業的法式甜點顧問服務,並就此停駐在這座充滿活力與挑戰的島嶼。2018年並受邀至上海新天地商圈開設PINTAO品饕法式甜點。
對於味覺, Florian有著資料庫般的記憶與直覺性的靈感, 不拘框架的自由天性, 是他源源不絕的創作動力。 他喜歡遍嚐各地的食材與風味,跨界交融天然食材開拓多元的風味與想象(flavor),運用不同技法,遊走於酥、脆、綿、滑, 堆疊層次分明的口感(texture),平衡甜、酸、甘、辛,成就出繁覆卻和諧的味覺體驗(taste)。他的甜點總能在驚艷中令人會心一笑。 正如其人 –頑皮, 但溫暖在心。
With a sense of curiosity, enthusiasm, and boundless creativity, paired with a mischievous simple, one can pinpoint Florian’s personality traits within minutes of meeting him.
Florian Bourquin hails from Switzerland and devoted himself to the art of French pastry when he was just 16. Two decades into honing his craft, he has served as the head pastry chef for the world renowned Pierre Marcolini and COVA (LVMH conglomerate). In 2016 he created and spearheads creations in his own brand Panoramix Project. In 2018 he was invited to Shanghai to launch PINTAO, featuring an exquisite line of French patisserie.
Florian has an exceptional ability to pull from his memory the delicacies he’s tasted and the emotional memories that they evoke; combining this with his uninhibited creative process breaking out of traditional frameworks, gives him an unique ability to develop new masterpieces. Borderless, passionate and meticulous, he tries to bring his personal style and dynamic in his pastries. Each creation features different layers of textures and flavors with the aim of triggering different stages of emotion.
[活動報告]:2024/07/03-2024/07/04(宜蘭頭城)山海培力夏令營 Surf Summer Camp
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