街坊人物專訪| ㄚ昏

嚮光協會很幸運的有如棻加入我們的團隊!她已經成為我們組織裡不可或缺的一份子, 孩子們看到她的時候總是很開心, 並用她的綽號”阿昏”稱呼她。不論是帶領一個工作坊, 和孩子們玩, 煮一頓好吃的, 開車, 整理打包, 清潔環境, 付出她的時間, 車, 或捐款, 阿昏總是和我們及孩子們在同一陣線, 付出她百分之百的心力。阿昏現在還協助我們處理十分迫切需求的募款活動和補助金的申請。我們非常榮幸能夠擁有他們為我們社團的一份子!

Daisy: 你是在何時、如何得知嚮光協會?為什麼想參與?
ㄚ昏 :

D: 從我們相處的這段時間以來,對於你與孩子之間互動的改變,你的感覺是如何的呢?
ㄚ昏 : 一開始跟著協會課程時,跟小孩互不熟悉,我不是那種個性就很熱情的人,想當然爾,小孩跟我的互動一開始是生疏的,但我一直相信真心誠意才是贏得友誼的最好方法,也許是互動久了,小孩知道我就只是個害羞愛裝酷的假大人罷了,每次參加活動,總有些孩子愛跟著我後面一直叫我的名字”ㄚ昏”,一邊叫一邊笑鬧著,我雖板起臉孔罵他們但下一秒就跟著孩子們玩起來,喜歡跟孩子們這種類似朋友般的互動,舒服沒有壓力。

Daisy: 你最喜歡哪一次的工作坊?為什麼?
: 記得2015年1月到清泉的活動,除了做紮染,也利用周圍的環境素材佈置自製的小聖誕樹,喜歡這種以大自然為素材發揮想像力的活動,可以感受到孩子們與大自然的關係以及對於創作的熱情。

D: 有什麼願意與我們分享的難忘時光嗎?
ㄚ昏 : 說真的,其實每一次的工作坊對我來說都是驚豔,每一次活動不確定的因素很多,尤其是要去有一點遠得要命的清泉的話,這些不確定常常讓我很緊張,大概是這樣,所以就算每次活動前我吃了一頓很豐盛的早餐,肚子總是很快就餓了,因此每次活動精心準備的營養豐盛餐點,總是讓我很難忘,哈哈哈……我不是在開玩笑的,最近幾次的活動,我發覺我越來越喜歡待在廚房幫忙了。


D: 為何你會持續參與嚮光協會的活動?
ㄚ昏 : 協會的活動常常搞到我筋疲力盡,回到家後倒在床上大睡,身體雖然累了,但心裡卻感覺重新被注入一股能量,與好久不見的孩子們嘻嘻鬧鬧的玩耍,暫時忘記日常瑣碎的煩人事務,好像又能夠重新燃起對生活的熱情。

D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?
ㄚ昏 : 對於未來的社會環境的想像,大概就是我對孩子們的期待,期待社會能夠多一點的公平正義,而公平正義的社會環境是什麼,則需要孩子們自己去找答案,我想我能夠做的,就是不要阻礙他們發展找答案的能力,雖然社會的運行已有一套既定的框架,不管在性別、道德、社會習俗等等各方面的,以維持所謂的社會秩序,但也讓人成為沒有靈魂的橡皮圖章,這個框架不斷地也不自覺地無時無刻影響我們每一個人,我能夠做的就是在陪伴的過程中盡所能去引導孩子看到這個既有框架,期許孩子們看到另一種可能的想像後,能培養對於事物的敏感度,在未來能夠自己去思辨社會上所發生的事務,找到自己要依循的中心價值。



Bright Side Projects has been fortunate enough to have Rufen join our team! They have been become an indispensable part of our organizations and kids are always happy to see her and call her by her nickname “Ah-Hun.” Whether it’s leading a workshop, playing with kids, cooking a meal, driving, packing, cleaning up, lending her time, car, or donating money, Ah-Hun is always there for us and for the kids 100%. Ah-Hun will now also assist us with much needed fundraising and grant applications and we are so honored to have them as a part of our community!

Daisy: How and when did you find out about Bright Side Projects and what made you want to get involved?
Rufen: It was around the end of 2013 during another NGO’s regularly weekly meetings that I had the chance to meet the founder. I asked Daisy what she usually does and she began to talk about her association (Bright Side Projects), development, and empowerment, which are topics I’ve always been interesting in. In addition, I’ve been assisting other NGOs for children development programs so this was right up my alley. Knowing Daisy’s ideas and beliefs for children development echoed my postgraduate thesis on empowerment so I was motivated to get involved. One part of me wanted to witness the process of empowerment by kids and the other part of me thrives on a Gemini’s strong curiousity to learn more.

D: How do you feel your interaction with the children has changed over the time you have been with us?
R: When I first started going to workshops, I was not close to the kids. My personality isn’t exactly outgoing, so naturally there wasn’t much interaction between the kids and myself. However, I have always believed that being sincere is the key to true friendship. After a little bit more interaction the children realized that perhaps I was shy a shy grown-up trying to act cool. Every time I join an event there’s always kids following me and calling out my nickname “A-Hun” while laughing and poking fun of me. Although I would make a serious face and pretend to scold them, in the next instant we will be playing alongside each other. I really enjoy the interaction with the kids, it’s the same as with friends, a degree of comfort without stress.

D: What has been your favorite workshop and why?
R: I remember in January 2015 we went to ChingChuan for a tie-dye workshop. Apart from the tie-dye, we also used materials we picked up during a mini nature walk to make little Christmas Trees. I like the type of activity which uses nature as our source material and to inspire our imagination. I could feel the relationship between kids and nature, as well as their passion towards creation.

D: Are there any memorable moments you can share with us?
R: Honestly, every workshop comes out surprisingly amazing. There is always a lot of uncertainty involved, especiailly when we hav eto go to ChingChuan which is located far away from the city. When I have to think about all the variables I get nervous. Even though I always eat a big breakfast before event, I get hungry pretty fast so what stands out the most is definitely remembering some of the delicious meals during the workshops. I’m not kidding – I recently discovered I enjoyed spending more and more time in the kitchen during the workshops!

I also remember another time in Chingchuan, when we finished the activities earlier than planned. Everyone was walking around hand in hand. Some of the kids lay down under the shade of the trees and just listened to music and to chat. I really enjoyed this simplistic moment of relaxation with kids and looking up at the blue sky.

D: Why do you keep coming back to ChingChuan or Bright Side Projects events?
R: Bright Side events always leaves you pretty tired by the time you get home. However, although you may be physically exhausted, your heart will be invigorated. The source of this comes from seeing the faces of the kids and their energy. For a few moments in life you can forget about the trivial matters in the every day world, ignite passion for life.

D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
R: In regards to the future social environment, is probably what I’m hoping for the kids, that there will be social justice. What this social justice and environment is will be dependent on the children and up to them to find the answers. What I believe I can do in these respects is to ensure that I do not hinder them in their quest to find the answer. Although society has already set up a very specific framework from everything including gender, morals, social customs, etc, in order to “maintain” social order, this also creates soulless “cookie cutter” figments of people.

What I can hope to do is that during the time I have the chance to be with the kids is to let them know that this framework exists and also that they can break out of it. I hope they can become infused with a sense of empowerment and empathy for others. With this, they can create a framework and determine their own, not one that is dictated by society.

We look forward to you also joining the Neighborhood and our community!

ㄚ昏 (Ah-Hun) Rufen Cheng

ㄚ昏 (Ah-Hun) Rufen Cheng

Big Friend 大朋友

喜歡不被束縛的關係,下了班就希望全世界忘掉自己是小學老師;喜歡觀察,因為可以拿來當作自己動作慢的藉口;看起來很嚴肅,但其實很叛逆。 Does not preferred to be tied down. During their after work hours hopes that the world forgets that they are an elementary school teacher. Prefers to observe and uses this as an excuse for moving slow. On the façade A-Hun may seem serious but actually has a fiery rebellious nature.
[活動報告]:2024/08/03 (清泉) 小小科學家:火山歷險記

[活動報告]:2024/08/03 (清泉) 小小科學家:火山歷險記

睽違10年,嚮光「小火山歷險記」又來到清泉了!與孩子們一起製作小火山,利用簡單的科學實驗,結合藝術創意與地理常識,讓孩子們體驗火山噴發的過程。 ►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/WNbvM9 製作火山前,我們跟孩子介紹火山的小常識:火山的基本原理和台灣的火山分佈。通過簡單生動的講解,孩子了解到火山的形成過程、不同類型的火山。同時猜一猜台灣火山的分布「陽明山!」孩子大聲自信地回答著~...

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[活動報告]:2024/08/16(南港)2024 BUILD A HOME 彩繪改造計畫-塗鴉工作坊

[活動報告]:2024/08/16(南港)2024 BUILD A HOME 彩繪改造計畫-塗鴉工作坊

2024南港樂齡藝術與創意培力計畫完成第八場活動啦!此計畫旨在激發樂齡的創造力,利用藝術作為療癒工具和溝通媒介,並預計將樂齡的作品展示於南港據點,讓他們與這個日常生活空間建立更強烈的情感聯繫。今天嚮光與知名塗鴉藝術家Colasa帶給南港樂齡一連串的噴漆、塗鴉藝術課程,並妝點、美化南港據點! 更多活動照片 More images: 系列一 : https://shorturl.at/iSSUl系列二 : https://shorturl.at/p5ZSW...

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[活動報告]:2024/08/24-2024/08/25(圓山花博)VAST 想淨辦法 永續市集 x 嚮光

[活動報告]:2024/08/24-2024/08/25(圓山花博)VAST 想淨辦法 永續市集 x 嚮光

很榮幸這次受到 VAST 邀請,參與以符合 #SDGs 精神的 #永續市集 為主軸的「想淨辦法x永續市集」,一起對「環境保護」及「永續生活」盡一份心力。 ►更多活動照片 More images:https://shorturl.at/7Ha4w 一直以來,VAST利用衝浪文化倡導環保意識,也希望透過各種方式傳達愛護大自然的重要性;嚮光則透過植物性飲食和創意課程改善生活並保護環境。...

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[活動報告]:2024/07/03-2024/07/04(宜蘭頭城)山海培力夏令營 Surf Summer Camp

[活動報告]:2024/07/03-2024/07/04(宜蘭頭城)山海培力夏令營 Surf Summer Camp

今年夏天,我們再度與VAST攜手合作,舉辦了期待已久的山海夏令營!這個夏令營不僅讓孩子們享受戶外活動,更重要的是通過教育他們愛護地球和參與社會責任,培養他們的環境意識和行動。 ►更多活動照片 More images: 2024 山海培力夏令營 Part 1:https://reurl.cc/A2kykQ2024 山海培力夏令營 Part 2:https://reurl.cc/bYXGnX2024 山海培力夏令營 Part 3:https://reurl.cc/VMER5Y2024 山海培力夏令營 Part...

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2024南港樂齡藝術與創意培力計畫完成第七場活動啦!此計畫旨在激發樂齡的創造力,利用藝術作為療癒工具和溝通媒介,接觸不同文化的音樂知識,與國際接軌,提升社群文化交流。 今天嚮光邀請到知名的非洲鼓老師 江季鴻 (江鳥) 帶領南港樂齡們一同享受非洲鼓的音樂薰陶! 更多活動照片 More images: 非洲面具工作坊:https://reurl.cc/RqaxbZ 瞭解更多樂齡培力計劃:https://brightside.tw/older-persons-empowerment/...

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