We welcome everyone to join us for on the 2nd weekend of October so we can learn more about the Mexican Day of the Dead celebration。 Not only will we celebrate this blessed holiday through fun art activities but also learn about plants and life.

報名連結 Sign Up:https://goo.gl/pUZHaA
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/398284113908295

目的 Purpose: 透過藝術及照護植物的方式介紹不同的文化給大家Introduce a new culture holiday and a different way to look at “life” to everyone through plants and art.

孩子會學Children will learn:
A new culture, Day of the Dead, basic plant care

Volunteer Tasks: guiding kids through painting, kitchen duties, setup, clean up

Teacher 老師: Rhea Chou

Maximum Capacity: Space is limited to 10 volunteers per day on a first come first serve basis

Material Fee: 300, 400, 500 NT. What is a sliding scale? We understand that everyone’s circumstance is different and want to make the workshop accessible to everyone. Pitch in what you can! Not inclusive of transportation.

課程費用 (不含交通): 志工可任選300, 400, 或500元投入本次活動基金。費用分級的用意在於我們希望讓這活動本身能讓更多志工參與,因此讓報名金額更有彈性。